~Chapter 71~

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"Someone's birthday is tomorrow!" I exclaim to my baby girl smiling. She exclaims in her crib, bouncing up and down on the little bed. "Good morning!" I lift her into my arms kissing all over her face.

Tomorrow is Ava's birthday and I guess she can sense it because she has been happy all week. Things between Tobias and I are so much better. The letters have stopped, everyone has calmed down and things are much better. It's been a really long time since we got them which is quite suspicious but we just have to play it all by ear.

"She's turning one already?" Tobias says with a little sigh, reminiscing over all of the times we've had together. I sit her in her booster seat and Tobias serves us breakfast. "I remember when I found out you were pregnant with her." Tobias runs his hair through her blond curls as she tries to bite into a whole apple.

"We have some shopping to do today!" I exclaim to Ava, she just smiles at me and leans towards me. I chuckle and kiss her cheek.


"These outfits are cute." Christina says as we scroll through some racks of clothing for Ava. I want her to look good for her birthday, I even want to go as far as to put her into a dress or skirt. I know Ava likes colorful things and pink things, sometimes I fear that she would become an Amity but that is sixteen years from now, tomorrow will be fifteen.

"This is cute." I hold up a nude/gold/pink combined colored tutu with a white onesie with short sleeves, it has 'One' in gold with glitter on it. "Do you like it?" I turn to Ava, she looks up from the straps that hold her in the cart and nods her head wildly at us, not quite knowing what she is agreeing too.

"Fine, we can get this." Christina says placing the outfit and matching gold shoes. "Tris can I tell you something," She says with worry filled in her voice. I nod my head at her as we go to the checkout section. I place the outfit and other things we got on the counter for the cashier to ring up.

"Well. . . I'm pregnant." She says and I gasp turning towards her raising my eyebrows.

"Really?" I ask with a gasp as I pay for the items. She nods her head with a small frown forming on her face, we both leave the store with Ava on my hips playing with my necklace. "Did you tell Will yet?" I ask and she nods her head again.

"I really want this baby, ever since Will and I got married, I wanted one but at the same time I didn't. We tried so much that I was constantly sore, we even went to the doctors to see if everything was okay and now I am pregnant. But, I am so scared Tris. How did you deal with it? I mean, you weren't expecting to be expecting." She says and I think about myself when I found out that I was pregnant. . . by Eric.

"Well, I definitely didn't know I was pregnant nor did I want to be pregnant. But, of course after getting further along and feeling Ava kick me, knowing that another growing human being was in my stomach made me change my mind and think about positive things. Now, look at me, almost a year later." I say with a smile kissing Ava on the cheek.

She makes a noise at me and I chuckle lightly, "Thanks Tris, it really means a lot." She touches her flat abdomen, "I'm going to schedule an appointment tonight." She says and I nod my head giving her a hug.


"Good morning baby girl!" Tobias and I exclaim when I walk into my daughter's room seeing her wide-awake playing with her blanket on her bed

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"Good morning baby girl!" Tobias and I exclaim when I walk into my daughter's room seeing her wide-awake playing with her blanket on her bed. She looks to us with a grin on her face and she grabs on to the bar of her crib and pulls herself into a standing position where she holds her arms out to me. I grab her and kiss all over her face, "Happy birthday!"

Since I came from Abnegation we normally don't celebrate birthday's and don't have birth certificates, but here in Dauntless everything is different. You have to have records for the child, so that is basically the birth certificate we just keep counting until this day comes and we celebrate the birth of that person.

"Ma!" She squeals as Tobias kisses all over her, I laugh and take my daughter back into my arms giving her a big hug small tears forming in my eyes. Just one year ago I couldn't believe that I was pregnant by Eric, now seeing her at one year just makes me feel so much better.

"It's been a year since I tried to confess how I felt about you, but your water broke." Tobias laughs, placing his hand on my shoulder, I laugh and lean back on him looking at my beautiful daughter who I am totally grateful for.


After giving Ava a bath and letting her eat some food this morning, I gave her to Tobias to finish getting dressed. As I was walking out of the door to run a few last minute errands, I find myself in front of Eric's office. The last time I was out here was when I was still pregnant and we were going over Initiation. I knock on the door and I hear him grunt, acknowledging me to come in. I twist the cold knob and walk inside taking in the furniture that still sits in the same order except the file cabinet is closer to his desk.

"Yes?" He asks obviously annoyed at the mass amount of paperwork on his desk, maybe being a leader isn't all the fun.

"Hey, Eric, I was just stopping by to tell you that today is Ava's birthday. I wanted you to be there, today she will be one." I say and he glances at the calendar hanging on his wall.

He slightly nods his head, those grey eyes that remind me of Ava's lock to mine, "I will try to make it." I nod my head giving him a small smile before I am out of the door.


"AVA!" Christina shouts when she walks into my apartment. There are black and purple streamers everywhere with matching table cloths, plates, and cups. Along the back wall where the patio is located is a table that has the food, Jimmy's pizza, mini sliders, fries, chicken wings, chips, dip, cheese and cracker tray, fruit tray, stuffed eggs, macaroni and drinks. The cake is in the kitchen.

Ava squeals at her aunt's voice running from the back holding her favorite stuffed bear in her outfit with a crown. Tobias trails behind her and smiles, Ava continues to run towards us but she falls. She smiles and stands back up walking to Christina.

"Happy birthday!"

"T-T!" She squeals as Christina lifts her up. I chuckle, Ava is still working on her pronunciation and Christina is a mouthful so she just decided to call her 'Auntie T-T' or 'T' it's adorable. I excuse myself to go to the kitchen while Christina talks to Ava. Soon everyone is here and we are digging in on the delicious food.

"Da-Da." Ava stumbles over to Tobias while holding a plate of chips she's eating off of. "Here!" She says getting one of them placing it on Tobias' lips, but he keeps them sealed shut making us all laugh. Ava furrows her eyebrows at Tobias and turns to me with her eyebrows furrowed, I shrug my shoulders at her and laugh.

"The food was delicious, but I think that we should eat cake now." Uriah says and we all agree. He stands up with a happy gleam on his face and goes to get the large cake but there is a knock at the door. I excuse myself and go to the door and look in the peephole to see that it is Eric.

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