~Chapter 74~

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My body is running off of coffee, I've been here with Zeke all night keeping our eyes on the cameras. I run my hand through my hair for the thousandth time as my phone ring, I lift up the object and see that Tori is calling me. I hold my breath as I answer it, "Four? Hey, this is Tori. Look, I have to work today and Ava is getting cranky."

"I'm on my way," I say and hang up. "You can go home, I don't want to keep you here all night. Thanks though for helping me, when I find someone to watch Ava I will keep looking." I tell Zeke and then run out of the control room going straight to Tori's apartment.

I knock on the door and she opens it holding a restless Ava who looks at me with gleaming eyes, "Da!" She squeals and wiggles in Tori's arms until I am holding her in my arms. She buries her head in my chest and looks at me, "Ma-Ma?" I bite my lip and give Tori a look.

"Your mommy will be with me today, Auntie Tori has to work and mommy will be helping me." Tori says and I bite my lip. I hate lying to this angel but honestly, I don't know where Tris is. Ava who obviously just takes the bait lays her head on my shoulder and sticks her thumb in her mouth, I take it out when she closes her eyes.

"Thank you, I will call you with more information. As of right now, I have no clue." I say and Tori face falters. I walk away and go to the apartment, I put Ava in her bed and I go to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Then, I go to the kitchen to start a fresh pot of coffee when there is a knock at the door.


The smell of apples is what the first thing I pick up on. I instantly don't know where I am at, I haven't really smelled anything fresh for a while due to being underground all the time. My eyes are blindfolded and I can't move my hands, they are tied. I decide to keep my mouth shut until I feel myself being lifted out of the moving vehicle. I don't move, I just continue to act like I am sleeping.

Last thing I remember was a clammy hand wrapping itself around my mouth, then nothing. I feel myself being thrown on something hard and the person takes off my fold. I expect to see Emma standing over me, no, instead I see Drew and Peter. I am completely taken back, Drew? As in the one who was put out of Dauntless due to low Initiation scores?

"Yeah, don't act too surprised stiff." Drew rolls his eyes at me, he looks so different despite his always short height. He's still built like a boulder, even more. His orange-red hair that always seemed like the old carrots other factions would give to the Factionless, is more curlier. He looks older though, I had herd that Edward practically had hurt him really bad so he has been wandering the streets with Myra.

"She's gotten hotter hasn't she?" I hear another sickening voice, I turn my stiff neck to see Peter standing there. His usual venom green eyes glistening even more. Why is Peter. . . and Drew of all people capturing me? Why does all these things always happen to me? Drew nods his head and I hear someone clear their throat loudly.

"I'm just kidding babe," Drew smiles at Molly who gives me a glare. Babe? I hear her leave and I hear Edward muttering under his breath calling her a b*tch. So, it must be a fling.

"She had a baby." Peter tells Drew who smiles wickedly at me, my heart sinks. I hope that Tobias has Ava with him, these people would do nothing to get to my baby and I would kill them with my bare hands. "She's filled out since the last time we all had some fun." Peter winks at Drew who laughs and lifts me up by the shirt and places me in a wooden chair. I look around to see that we are in a room, there are windows but I still can't tell where we are. The wooden floor has dust piled on it in one corner like someone has tried to sweep and the walls are white, not the dingy, dark cave that I thought I would have been in.

"Oh yeah Beatrice, really? Who's the father? What's the precious child's name?" Drew stoops down to me and I flinch away from him. He turns to Peter who is more than happy to tell who the father is and basically my whole life in Dauntless.

"Why did you take me here? To play twenty questions?" I snap at the both of them, my voice a bit lost and hoarse. I clear my throat and sit quietly as they look to each other and then to me. "What?"

"Oh, we aren't the ones who are going to 'hurt' you like expected, we are just your watchers of course. Here is the real mastermind behind it all." Peter gestures behind him and out walks. . . Evelyn?



Gah! Sorry for the short chapter! I was just so lit when I wrote this I had to stop here and I couldn't write anymore. My whole plan have changed with this story, this is so unplanned like my other stories. I have a mental plot in my mind where I just pick off where I left last chapter and randomly write then revise, they usually come out good. SCREW THOUGHT OUT PLOTS! JK! Anyways please give me your input on this, I bet your mind is blown. . . like mine. Lol.

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