~Chapter 87~

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"10 hours until your wedding, how are you feeling?" Tori asks me as I look at the blue polish dry on my toes. I look at my dazzling nails that are painted in glittered gold polish with the ring finger blue.

"I feel nervous, but I guess that is kind of expected. I'm ready to get married already!" I smile, missing the warm embrace of my fiance. I want to lay in his arms, looking at the ceiling as we talk on and on about all the things happening in our life.

"Lucky," Shauna mutters, rolling her eyes, "I've been with Zeke for years and he's too much of a coward to propose to me." She pouts. I do find that kind of odd, Zeke and Uriah has been with Marlene and Shauna longer that I've been with Tobias or Christina's been with Will, yet we are married before both of them.

"Well, time will only tell. Maybe both of them have commitment issues, you should try talking to them." Christina tells the two girls. I nod my head in agreement.

Today, Christina took me to the same spa shop I went to when I was pregnant and we had the baby shower. When we got there Tori and Marlene were there and we got pampered together, we came back to my apartment to find it decorated with streamers and balloons. Tobias is having the same thing at Christina and Will's apartment. From what I've heard, everything is looking good for the wedding. The tents are up and the forecast for tomorrow is sunny. Ava is with my parents today in Abnegation, Tobias took her this morning. So, things are looking great.

"Time for presents." Christina sings as she and Lynn return from the kitchen, holding a tub of ice-cream and Lynn is holding a large cake that says, 'congratulations'. I smile, feeling a blush form across my face. "This one is from me." She hands me a box with pink wrapping paper.

I open it up while Christina cuts the cake in squares for us. I see a white pair of undergarments, there it has lace inserts in them and there is a matching pair of skimpy underwear. Beside it is a pair of white, transparent, stockings. I give her a look and see a glimpse silver, I reach further into it to see a necklace, it has a locket inside of it and I open it to find a picture of us together right after the final rankings, "I have more to me than skimpy outfits you know, I wanted you to remember us." she leans over and gives me a hug.

"Thanks Christina," I place the gifts back in the box and place it on the ground. Tori hands me an all black box and I open it. It is a pair of crystal studs for my ear and a certificate to get a free tattoo or piercing whenever. "Thanks so much Tori, I might get another tattoo later on."

Lynn got me a great gift surprisingly, it is a homemade sweatshirt that has a picture of Tobias and I, we are both looking at each other, smiling. "I made sure to make it a stretchy material, so when you get pregnant by him, it will stretch." Lynn smirks.

I can't help but to smile, I do see myself having more kids, especially with my soulmate, "Thanks so much, Lynn." Marlene got me a nice necklace with matching earrings, and Shauna got me a pair of boots.

I stand up, clasping my hands together, "I would like to thank you all for such a great day, even though the night is still young and there are many more things to do. I want to thank you all as a group, for such a great party. I know my wedding will be amazing with all of your help, you guys have been with me since I fell pregnant. So, thanks so much. I love the gifts." I smile.


The next morning is frantic, once I got out of the bath, everyone started running around, cleaning up the breakfast dishes. My stomach feels like a million hippos are stomping on my stomach, churning it in the worst way possible. I really want to see Ava, or even hear Tobias' voice to calm me down. "Max just called me, he said that the car that is taking us to the location is out front." Lynn walks from the hallway, placing her phone in her pocket.

"Any word from the boys?" I bite my nails and Christina walks by slapping them out of my mouth.

"They are doing good as well, from what I've heard, they are getting dressed now."

"Good," I let out a sigh of relief. The last thing I need to worry about is the boys running late. I slip on a pair of sweatpants and a jacket with some shoes, and I gather my things. Within ten minutes, all of us are downstairs, walking to the underground garage, people wishing me good luck while a few others frantically run around since they are invited to the wedding. 

We get into the car and we drive to the venue, I sit tensed up in between Marlene and Christina, my stomach doing somersaults. It feels like I might pass out and puke at the same time, if it were possible. I place my head in my hands and sit there, pondering about my life, thinking how it will be after today. I will be a married woman, I will belong to Tobias and he will belong to me, "Tris, sweetie, we are here." Marlene's soothing voice says, placing her hand on my shoulder. I look up to see we are here and from what I see, everything looks great. 

"Let's get you dressed!" Christina thrusts me into the tent, and gets me ready. 

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