~Chapter 25~

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After thanking the crew and stylist, we both leave the shop holding a little paper bag that holds hair products and make-up products. I was all hands in for purchasing the shampoo and conditioner I love the bounce that it gives to my hair and I am more than happy to change my regular shampoo that I get from the store.

Christina even snuck in a few tubes of mascara, and eyeliner just to add to the pile that I don't even use. I like the natural look, I try not to look like Emma most of the time.

As we are walking through the pit, with my cheeks pink from all the attention I am getting. We run into Four, which surprises me. After Emma finding us at the net and she started assuming that it was just us, he hasn't really been around me. I don't know if it is because he wants to 'save his relationship' or he wants to prove to Emma how much he cares about her by bailing out on me. . . well, all of us as friends.

I find it quite disappointing, I am not going to lie. I did enjoy the times when he would visit me on his lunch break when I wasn't on the clock at my job and we would eat, watch movies ,and talk until he had to return back to the control room. Now, when I see him he is too engulfed with Emma to even notice me.

I come back to reality to see that he is talking to me and I am not even paying attention, smart.

"Excuse me?" I say with a deeper shade of pink rising in my cheeks.

"I said, that I was sorry for not being able to m-" Before he can finish Christina coughs loudly and softly elbows me in my side.

"I think you are giving me what you had, Tris." She rolls her eyes playfully and I roll my eyes at her and turn back to Four but she grabs my arms tugging me away.

"Sorry, Four. But we have reservations."

Oh yeah, I forgot about going out to eat.

"Oh, okay." He looks hurt and I give him a half smile, shrugging my shoulders.

"Text me if it is important." I say and he nods his head and continues where he was going.

I decided to not question what happened and just follow Christina.

"Wait." She says with a sigh stopping dead in her tracks and links her arm through mine. "I think I dropped my lipstick at your apartment."

"Really, Christina?" I say in disbelief of what I am hearing. "Lipstick, I am starving here. You can get it later." I say and she objects and starts pulling me towards the elevator.

"Christina Amelia Johnson, I am not going back to my apartment for lipstick." I say taking my arm back and crossing it over my chest as she rapidly clicks the button for the suffocating
cart to arrive.

"Please, Tris. I will be quick." She whines and I groan loudly and start pouting.

"You know you really sounded like a mother there." She chuckles as the doors open and we step inside. She clicks the number four and we ride up to my floor. I mock chuckle and she rolls her eyes laughing loudly again, the sound bouncing off of the four walls landing in my ears.

The doors open and I step out going to my door and unlocking it. I step inside and see that the blinds are shut and the lights are turned off, it doesn't help that it is cloudy outside.

"What in the he-" I start and the lights flicker on and I see the gang jump out from hiding spots.

"Surprise!" They shout and start blowing noise makers making me smile brightly.

There is a big pink banner that is hung across the ceiling that droops down and it says 'It's A Girl'. There are black, silver, and pink balloons scattered across my living room and where the coffee table is normally sat is moved against the back wall making it a big gap in between the two couches.

Along the other back wall that is by the dining table and kitchen holds a black table cloth and paper plates and little trays holding mini sandwiches, wings, chips, dip, burgers, fries, fruit, cake, crackers, cheese, vegetables, and drinks. Then where the coffee table is set up, there are wrapped gifts sitting on top of the table and a few big ones sitting on the floor.

Between the two couches is my recliner that is all dolled up with a pink throw cover and balloons. There is a stereo playing music and all of my friends are here; Christina, Will, Zeke, Shauna, Uriah, Marlene, Lynn, Tori, Bud, Blaze, and a few other Dauntless members who I know well from my job and the pit and the canteen.

It's not a lot of people which is great.

"Guys, you threw me a baby shower?" I say as tears start to form in my eyes.

"Well, we have a great 'pre-gift'" Lynn says and whistles and the doors open. The blur of grey, blue, and white is the only thing I see as my tears fill up in my eyes and fall down my cheeks. My family.

"Mom, Dad, Caleb." I gasp walking to them and engulfing them in hugs while the other's coo.

"You look beautiful." Dad says placing his hand on my shoulder, pulling me into his side.

"Thanks." I reply wiping my eyes.

"Let's get this party started!" I hear Marlene shout and everyone cheers at her remark making me smile.

Who would have guessed that I would be having a baby shower today.

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