~Chapter 52~

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I sit there in total shock, what do I do?! Well, I sure as hell ain't going to deny it. I press my lips back to his and he tilts his head to the side placing his large hand on my shoulder. His lips are so moist and warm, inviting. Just how I imagined them to be. This is exactly what I wanted since I first laid eyes on those beautiful, stormy, blue, iris.

He smiles into the kiss but abruptly pulls away mutter apologies, "I'm sorry Tris, I shouldn't have done that. I-" I cut him off by pressing my lips back to his and pull away before he could kiss me back.

"It's okay. I liked it, that was my first kiss." I tell him, damn, now that I think about it I shouldn't have. "Well, first real kiss that I actually wanted." I say and feel a blush dash across my face. Why am I telling him these things?! Sometimes I feel so warm, and happy around Four that I can always be myself around him.

"Well, I'm glad that I could've provided that for you." I smile at him and Ava starts squealing and kicking her legs and I chuckle looking down at her.

"I didn't forget about you!" I exclaim kissing all over her face and she smiles. She turns her head towards Four the best way she can and her grey and blue-predominantly grey- eyes light up and she squeals with her fist in her mouth and I laugh handing her to him and she instantly smiles at him.

"Thanks Four," I start as he stares down at Ava who nibbles on her foot in his arms, "For everything, just being there for the both of us. I really appreciate it." I tell him and he flashes me a smile.

"Don't call me that," He says in a soft tone.

"What?" I ask dumbfounded.

"Four, don't call me that."

"Then what should I call you?"

"Nothing, for now."


"Ava, babygirl, you have to stop crying at some point." I tell her as I rock her in my arms walking around the room trying to calm her down. It's six in the morning and she won't stop crying, she literally woke up like this.

I sit down in the rocking chair and move back and forth as I hold her up to my face. I tried feeding her and she ate a little bit but then lost interest.

I place her on my shoulder on top of the burp cloth and pat her back, she burps but then spits up on my shoulder. She instantly calms down and I smile at her wiping her mouth.

"Finally." I say and she coos, she must've just had an upset stomach. I take the soiled cloth off of my shoulder and put it in her hamper reminding myself that I need to do laundry.

I lay her on the changing table and put a fresh diaper on her. I put her in a black long sleeve shirt with white trimming and black leggings with matching soft bottom boots. I brush her blond curls and put a black bow on her head. She totally looks like a Candor in this.

Once she is dressed, I put her in the swinger in my room and play the soft music and make the toys above her spin. She lets out a sigh and grunt reaching out towards the moving objects.

I go to the bathroom and freshen up myself and when I am finish I put on a black sports bra with matching panties. I pull my hair into a messy bun and put on some deodorant and lip balm.

I get dressed in a pair of leggings and a T-shirt with running shoes. When I am finished, Ava is asleep. I stroll in her stroller and carefully lift her up and place her in the stroller that Four provided her with before she was born and then we are out the door once I shrug my windbreaker jacket on.

I go straight to Christina's and drop her off and then make my way towards the training room. The Initiates have been here for over a month, so they are used to waking up early without an alarm, and they now the consequences when they are late.

"Good Morning." I tell Four who is writing the pairings on the board.

Dylan vs. Josh

Malia vs. Kay

Kehlani vs Danny

Tyler vs. May

Jay vs. Adam

I think that they are all even pairings except for Dylan Maila vs. Kay because Kay is much stronger than Malia, Malia is just weak. I don't think any of her fights she will do good in unless she decides to shape up.

"Good Morning," He smiles at me, a real smile. Not the fake ones he puts on when he talks to Max or anyone else here in the Dauntless compound. . . rarely, he does. "How was Ava doing this morning?" He asks as the double doors get pushed open and the Initiates start to file in, some still tying on their shoes.

"Alright," I shrug my shoulders, "She had an upset tummy and wouldn't stop crying. I just thought that she wanted you, but she spit up all over her burp cloth and after that she was all smiles."

"Good," He says and turns to the Initiates who are standing at attention, "Everyone! Today we are going to have the fights like I told you, then tomorrow is a day off due to Visiting day, and of course Sunday. But we will get right back on track Monday on where we left off, after your fights and after Tris and I evaluate your scores, you will train on your weak spots." Four's voice booms, oh wait, I forgot that I can't call him that.

"First up to the ring is, Dylan and Josh, get your self prepared to fight." I say and they give each other a weary look.


The fights went horrible; people took 5 minutes to get the other person down, while others spent a full twenty minutes of just bouncing around the mat. Dylan, Kay, Kehlani, May, and Adam won the fights while the other's lost theirs. We show them where they need to improve and then Four and I sit close together in the corner to evaluate scores.

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