~Chapter 51~

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-2 Weeks Later-

"Just a little bit harder." I tell Kehlani as she punches hard on the punching bags. She stops and looks down at her taped knuckles, she notices that the tape is starting to peel off since she must have put them on loosely. I give her a warily smile and motion for her to follow me to the back wall.

"You know, you're lucky." I smile at her as I take the tape off of her hands and then look through the drawers to find more tape. "When I was an Initiate, we couldn't use tape. My knuckles were bruised everyday after physical training." I say as I put the tape over her hands and she smiles brightly at me opening her hands and then closing them, testing the tape.

"Thanks." She smiles at me and walks towards her punching bag. Four and I walk up and down the aisle watching the and as I am walking up and down the aisle, Kay's pathetic punches makes me stop at the warn out punching back.

"You have to actually use the techniques that Four and I showed you, that isn't even half the effort that you are supposed to do." I say and she scoffs looking down at her knuckles.

"And break my knuckles or wrist. . . please." She says and I roll my eyes crossing my arms over my chest.

"Then why are you here? Did you think that initiation was going to be a walk in the park?"

"No, but-"

"But nothing, get back to work." I say and walk away before she could say anything.


I would love nothing more than to have an alcoholic beverage and stay in the warm tub listening to some soothing music, then take a relaxing shower letting my stress go down the drain with the soap suds. But, instead I have a fussy six week old baby and pairing to do for the fights this Friday. Sometimes, I regret having a baby, but the others are totally worth it.

To see Ava smile and giggle just brightens my day and sometimes I wish that Eric were here to see all of her milestones. I would never go out with him, but I think that being able to see his child is important, at least she knows who her real father is.

As I am walking through the pit to go to the canteen to pick my daughter up and go home, I hear the sound of heeled boots stomping their way towards me. I turn around and I see Emma looking pissed, like she wants to kill someone.

"You!" She screeches pointing her claw at me, everyone in the pit seems to stop what they are doing and turns their attention to me. She pushes me backwards but since I was aware of something happening like that I am able to regain my balance.

"What are you doing?" I ask pushing her back off of me since her perfume reeks.

"You little Abnegation, stiff!" She shouts, "You are the reason that Four and I broke up!" A few gasp are heard throughout the now forming crowd. I see Emma face turn a shade of red realizing what she just said.

"What are you talking about? I am not the reason that you guys broke up. Maybe he just doesn't want you anymore." Chuckles and loud cackles are heard throughout the crowd and that's when Emma looses her temper, she goes to launch at me and before either one of us could make contact Four is standing in front of us.

"What in the hell is going on here?!" His voice booms and I see a few people walk away not wanting to get in Four's way or get hurt because I notice how many people are afraid of him than Eric.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out!" I screech thrusting my hand in the direction where Emma is seething, looking like an idiot.

"She is the reason why we are not together. Her little plan of trying to steal you away from me worked! And you were stupid enough to follow along with her little sneaky, plan. I can't believe how nonchalant you were when I told you that she was trying to break us up to get to you!" Emma shouts and people stare at her like she is crazy, including Four and I. "You are nothing but a ugly, pale, stupid stiff!" Ouch, that hurt. "You are an inexperienced teenager who doesn't know what the hell she is doing half of the time with a stupid baby! I don't know who the father is but they have must have been des-" Before she could finish my fist has connected with her nose and I hear a loud cracking while the crowd goes crazy.

"Hey, hey, hey." Four says grabbing me into a bear hug holding me back. I don't fight back, I just watch Emma clutch on to her nose trying to stop the bleeding but she launches at me again.

"Zeke! Some help please!" Four shouts and I see Zeke who I didn't know was here walk towards Emma holding her back while she screeches and kicks her legs yelling insults at the both of us. Four starts to drag me away towards my apartment as Zeke drags Emma to the Infirmary.


I wince as Four dabs the white washcloth on my bruised knuckles. I grab his hand and he looks up at me smiling a bit, "That was a hell of a punch, I taught you well." He says and I smile at him moving my hand off of his so he can finish cleaning off my bruised knuckles.

"What was that even all about?" He ask and I shrug my shoulders not looking at him in the eyes. After Four dragged me home he made me sit down on the bed while he cleaned off my knuckles. "Tris, you are going to have to talk to me sooner or later. Trust me, Max is going to want to know what happened."

I let out a sigh, "She just came towards me accusing me of you guys breaking up and she pushed me. I'm sure you saw the rest." Before he could elaborate there is a knock at the door. Four pushes himself off of the ground and walks to the front leaving me in the dimly lit room.

"Look who's here!" I hear a voice and I look up to see a pouting Ava in Christina's arms and tears in her eyes. She pouts harder when she see's me and the crocodile tears finally decide to fall making me laugh, she can brighten anyone's mood.

"Are you seriously going to cry now?" Will laughs with Four as Ava holds her arms out to me and Christina places her in my arms.

"Oh, these are just crocodile tears." I laugh wiping away the tears from her face and she instantly smiles at me trying to pull herself up by pulling on my hair.

"How are you feeling?" Christina asks me darting her eyes between me and Four.

"Peachy." I deadpan and Christina gives me a look and I roll my eyes, this is the way we communicate. I give her the we will talk later look and she nods her head.

"Alright, I didn't mean to interrupt but Ava was looking for her mommy and wouldn't stop fussing." Christina says smiling. "I changed her diaper and gave her a bottle not too long ago. Alright, bye." She wiggles her eyebrows at me and grabs Will's hand darting out of the room.

"Look, I'm sorry about Emma. You shouldn't be the one getting attacked." Four says once the door is locked, he sits down beside me on the bed and looks into my eyes staring intensely, "I'm just glad that we broke up."

I can't help but to smile at him, "Yeah, me too." He smirks, leaning over and pressing his lips on mine.

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