~Chapter 59~

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As I am walking down the hallway to Christina's apartment with the biggest smile on my face, I feel a small hand clasp around my mouth. I gasp and shriek and start trying to pull away but they slam me against the stone wall. I turn around to see a pair of angry brown eyes staring back at me, Emma.

"You little, stiff." She spits angrily placing her hand around my neck, squeezing it tightly. I gasp and claw at her hand. "You think that you are going to take Four from me and it not be a problem?" She seethes, that is when I notice who different she looks. Her hair that is usually tame and straight, looks like a mess. Her make up is smudged and she looks tired. . . crazy.

"Everything was doing fine until you decided to come from Abnegation. You should have just stayed there." She says squeezing my neck tighter with each word. I wheeze out telling her to stop and I dig my nails into her hand. She shrieks and tries to slap me but I duck my head in time. I start to see dark spots in my vision, just as I am about to close my eyes giving up, I hear someone shouting. That is when her hands get loose and I fall to the ground gasping for air.

The dots get darker and that is when I finally close my eyes giving in to the darkness.


"Tris?" I feel someone shaking me, I groan feeling a horrible pain reach my throat. My lungs burn so bad, I try to open my eyes but every time I do, there is a bright light burning my eyes. "Tris, honey, how are you feeling?" I hear beeping, voices, sniffles, shuffling feet.

"The light might be too bright." I hear someone with a deep voice say, the light finally moves away and I slowly peel my eyes open. I look around to see that I am in the hospital. I try to sit up but I am so weak that I decide to just lay here.

"Good Morning, Tris." I hear a man with a loud voice say to me as my eyes still look like I am looking through a kaleidoscope.

"She can hear you," I hear Tobias mutter, Tobias? Oh, I miss Tobias. I wish that my eyes could get adjusted to the light so that I can see him.

"How are you feeling?" I hear the same loud man ask me, I groan as I try to talk but my throat hurts to bad. Finally, my eyes get adjusted to my surroundings and I see Tobias standing at the foot of my bed with a doctor standing beside me.

"What am I doing here?" Even though it hurts to say it, I manage to let it out. All I remember is walking in the hallway to tell Christina about my date yesterday, and Emma attacked me. She started chocking me and then after that, I just blacked out.

"Max found you in the hallway, Emma was choking you and he took her into custody." Tobias says walking to the side and grabs my hand.

"Well, other than a little bit of bruising on the throat and trachea. That is why your throat hurts as of right now, it should be gone in a few days. Nothing major to worry about, we just kept you here for a few hours to make sure that there wasn't any bad internal damage. So, you can go home when you please." The doctors says holding out a sheet to me and I nod my head signing the release papers, "You should feel fine very soon, feel better." He waves and leaves the room.

"Where's Ava?" I croak and a sad smile flashes across Tobias' face.

"She's with Christina." He says and sits down on the bed beside me, "I'm sorry I wasn't there, she could have done worse. I am so glad that Max was there to witness Emma's problems. I don't think that she would be in Dauntless much longer." Tobias says grabbing my hand and I give him a weak smile leaning up to kiss him on the lips.

"It's okay," I tell him pecking on his lips again, "I'm just glad that she is someone else problem. I'm okay and that's all that matters." I say and he smiles, it doesn't quite reaches his eyes. I know that he is still blaming himself for not being there, but it isn't anyone's fault and I hope that he realizes that.

A knock on the door breaks us from our embrace, the door opens and Christina walks in with Will following behind her with Ava on his hip. Uriah, Marlene, Shauna, Zeke, and Lynn are also behind them, "Hello," Christina says waving her hand and Ava looks at Christina, then her own hand and starts waving it in the air.

"How are you feeling?" Zeke asks standing beside Tobias.

"Okay," I murmur.

"That," Marlene trails off, and clasps her ears around Ava's ear. "B*tch, I hope that she becomes factionless, who pulls that kind of stunt?" She takes her hands off of Ava's ear.

"A crazy person, a jealous person, a coward." Tobias says and I roll my eyes holding out my arms to Ava. She squirms in Will's arms and starts whining when she realizes that she isn't getting anywhere. Will places her in my arms and I wrap my arms around her giving her a hug.

She coos and wraps her arms around me neck, drool falling out of her mouth. She grabs the string of my gown and tries to put it in her mouth. After everyone decides to leave, and Christina returns with my clothes. I get dressed and Tobias helps me to the house. I don't know what I would do without my friends, I am just so happy that things didn't get that far. I don't know what would happen if I were in a worse state.

Sorry for the short chapter. Omg it's a blizzard where I am at, which is the East Coast, that's all you should know 😜. But, I don't have school today and I freaking drove! Well, I've been driving like for the past three weeks.

Soon, I am going to drive with my dad. But, my mom says I'm great at driving just still a little nervous to pass moving cars.

Sorry for the mini rant! Adios Amigos!

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