~Chapter 46~

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As Four hits the metal rod against the metal steps to wake the Initiates the sound brings back memories of my Initiation class. I would remember Christina cursing under her breath as she throws the covers off of her and we all grudgingly get dressed. I would never complain because complaining would get us no where.

"Get dressed meet us in the training room in two minutes." I say crossing my arms over my chest as everyone groans loudly and starts throwing the covers off of their body.

"Don't expect us to wake you up every morning," Four says coldly. "This is your first wake up call but after today we expect you waking up on your own, set an alarm, stay up all night. I could care less just make sure that you are on there on time please."

"You ready?" Four asks me and I nod my head and we leave the dormitories.

"Good Morning!" I greet Lauren and Zeke as they pass us heading towards the Dauntless Born dorms.

"Morning! How is my baby doing?" Zeke asks and I playfully roll my eyes at Zeke.

"I am dong great Zeke, yes, Ava doing is just fine." I say and he chuckles and we continue our route back to the training room after Zeke greets Four giving him a weird look before they continue walking to the Dauntless Born's room.


"Knife throwing." I say pacing back and forth in front of the Initiates as they sit on the floor looking very tired, I am going to make this quick lesson on knives quick so they can start working with the knives but Eric suggested that we give a brief lesson on the what they are about to learn. "Knife throwing is a good skill to adapt instead of fighting or shooting guns- which we are going to learn later on-. Knife throwing can get you out of many situations but you must use the skill responsibly." I say thinking about the time when Uriah said that he was going to shoot a muffin off of Marlene's head.

That is a good example on how not to use your gun shooting skill.

"There are many knives but we are going to focus on only three." I say feeling grateful for Four telling them how they are going to be ranked yesterday and telling them that each stages weighs heavily on their final results. "The Spear Point, Drop Point, and The Straight Back. You can learn different knives later on but these are the basic knife sets that we want you to learn so if you can please follow me to a target." I say grabbing one of the each knives that I named off.

I show them how to fully grasp it and the perfect stance.

"Something that helps me is to take a deep breath when you pull your arm back and then exhale when you throw." I say letting out a deep breath throwing the Spear Point knife and it hits dead in the middle of the target and I flash a smile at Four since he taught me that move and he actually returns the smile.

After showing them the different stances and giving them good tips, I tell them to grab a set which comes with seven of each and start practicing. I take a set on the table top where the knives were just sitting at and I look from each Initiate. I can tell that the Erudite are taking their time and analyzing how everyone else is doing; they are very attentive.

The Candor are just boldly going for it not really caring where it lands.

The Amity look terrified but amazed at the same time.

The people who could use some work are; Malia from Erudite, Danny and Kehlani from Candor, May, and Adam from Amity. Every one else is doing great so far. Just as I shift my shirt to ease some discomfort from my swollen boobs-one con for breast-feeding, your breast swell like hell and it is so uncomfortable- my phone buzzes in my pocket.

Ava won't stop crying, sorry to bother you- Will

It doesn't take much before I am off of my feet heading towards Four since he is helping Kehlani with her stance.

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