~Chapter 63~

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Tobias is the love of my life, just knowing that I can wake up beside him every morning puts a smile on my face before I go to sleep. He is mines now and I am his, the thought of having him all to myself still seems unreal and like a dream.He is such a good man to both Ava and I, he basically portrays the role of Eric since he wants nothing to do with the both of us.

"Good morning," Tobias whispers in the crook of my neck wrapping his arms around me. He is just a big baby, it feels like I have two to tend to.

"Morning," I whisper back pecking his cheek, cuddling up against him. His embrace is so warm and comforting that I don't want to get out of bed. But, duty calls and I must go to work to get money so I can support Ava, "I don't want to leave this bed," I whisper to him and he chuckles finally opening his eyes so I can see that beautiful royal blue.

"I don't either, I wish that all of our duty and problems would just go away so I can just stay in bed with you all day." He says and I chuckle while he groans sitting up in the bed, "But, that's not realistic. Do you have to work today?" He asks me as I watch his muscles ripple as he stretches his limbs making my mouth water.

Tobias and I haven't done that yet because I think that we should at least be further in our relationship, and I want our first time together to be special. Plus, I don't want to take any chances and get pregnant again, it's just a fear of knowing that the condom can break and I would be pregnant and I refuse to get birth control because birth control screws everything up.

But, that doesn't mean I don't get thoughts that Abnegation would frown upon.

"Yeah, sadly. Do you?" I ask also standing to my feet so that Tobias and I can make the bed.

"No, I have Zeke covering my shift that I was supposed to do today, what time do you have to leave?" He asks as we fluff the pillows.

"Noon," I tell him and he bites his lip, his eyes darting from the digital clock on the dresser, to me, then to the clock again.

"It's 11:45." He says and I curse loudly running to the bathroom while he continues to laugh.


"There are openings for Emma's old position." Tori tells me as I restock the piercings in the glass counter top. "It's not like we need anyone immediately, I would just like having someone else because without her, there would be longer shifts."

"Maybe ask Max if you can get with some of the fence people." Bud tells her as he draws signs in his notebook, "I wouldn't want to work on the fence." He mumbles.

"True," Tori agrees nodding her head.

"A few of my Initiates are working at the fence and they weren't too happy. Bud, Blaze, and myself could train them if they are interested in the job offer and if Max says it's okay." I tell her standing up to put on my jacket since my shift is over, but I stop with a small smile on my face, "Actually can you do me a favor?"


"I'm home!" I shout happily walking into the house and I see Tobias sitting on the floor with Ava in front of him. She is clutching on to his sweatpants and trying to pull herself into a standing position. She squeals at me and starts buckling her knees making her bounce up and down.

"Hello," Tobias greets me as I take off my jacket, I sit down on the floor beside him and he eyes me up and down, "What's with the bandages?" He asks as I lift Ava in my arms, she coos at me and starts stuffing her face in my chest.

"I got some tattoo's." I tell him smiling, taking Ava off of me before she suffocates herself. She probably just wants me to nurse her, I really don't keep milk here in bottles while I'm at home because she wastes my milk, I think she likes to nurse on me instead of a rubber nipple. "I'll show you before we go to bed." I say looking down at the wrapping covering both of my collard bones, and my right wrist.

"How was Ava?" I ask as she starts to get fussy from me not nursing her. "Did she eat?"

"She ate a little bit after I gave her a bath this morning, and then around 2 I gave her some of her food, and she hasn't eaten since. She just slept and played around all day while I had to turn some things in for the control room on my laptop."

"Thanks for watching her, and always being there for her." I tell him smiling on as I stand on my feet, "But I must go nurse my child." I say in a loud, playful voice pointing towards her room and I take off heading towards her room so I can feed her.

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