~Chapter 30~

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I step out of the shower with my face glowing with excitement. During the shower I was thinking about all of the things to come, tomorrow I won't be the only one sleeping in apartment 64. It will be Ava and I. I will be there for her first steps, first words, first everything. All of her milestones.

I am not even worried about Eric at the moment, I know he doesn't care about me or Ava. I have been thinking, should I tell him or not that I am in labor and his child is on the way. But, I tried to push those negative thoughts away and think about the happy things. Yes, I am sixteen and a mother, but I am going to be a mother to a child who will live her life proudly in Dauntless.

I wrap my towel around myself and I unlock the door and step out, I forgot to grab my clothes. I guess when you are in a dormitory with thirteen or more people you don't mind walking around in a towel. I still get nervous of course since what that bastard Peter did, but I tried to push the negative thoughts away.

I don't know how I feel about being Intimate with another person though, since I am not a virgin anymore I guess I am not afraid of it. I still get upset at the thought of it since I wasn't fully 'conscious' when I did loose my virginity but I think half of the part of why I was scared of loosing my virginity is gone, I was scared of the pain for half of the part, and now, I guess I don't have to worry about that.

I see Four pacing around the room with his phone on his ear, I don't think he's even noticed me walk back out. I grab a maternity, breast feeding, sports bra since that will be used today, and a pair of boy shorts. I also grab a sweatshirt and another pair of sweatpants. They are both black.

I go back into the bathroom and I get dressed after rubbing some lotion on. The dull contractions I am getting are getting a little stronger but they aren't close together which is great. It just feels like weak menstrual cramps at the moment. I am a little nervous for the 'actual' contractions, but I have friends who are going to help me through this.

I pull my damp hair into a messy bun and I walk out to see Four sitting on my bed. He shoots up and I look through my drawer to find a pair of socks. I know that Four is going to force me to the hospital, so I really don't have a choice if I want to lay down or go to the hospital.

"I just got off of the phone with your mother. She said she is going to call Max for permission to come down here and she is going to get a ride with your brother to get here, something like that." He says as I sit down on the bed and bend down at my best to slip on my socks but he beats me there and starts helping me.

"I also called everyone and they said they are on the way here, they just need to grab a few things. Chargers, cameras, phones, food, etc." He says and I nod my head. He picks out a pair of slides to put on my swollen feet and he helps me stand up and go to the living room while he grabs my phone, keys, and chargers.

"How are you feeling?" He asks as I close my eyes as a dull ache starts to form in my lower belly, I sigh and open my eyes once it goes away. My main plan with this birth is to be silent. A silent birth is a happy birth.

"Okay I guess. I mean the contractions aren't bad but they sure are here." I say and he nods and starts pacing back and forth.

"Look, calm down. I don't know why you are about to have a panic attack." I say standing to my feet and I grab his arm giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm okay."

He gives me a smile and lets out a frustrated sigh.

"It's just that, that, my mother. She died of childbirth. I know about the bad things that can happen back there in those rooms, and I guess what I am trying to say is I don't want that to happen to you." He says and I nod my head.

"Sorry for your loss." I tell him but don't show him pity. Pity only makes people frustrated, you wouldn't want people looking at you like they need to take care of you. I didn't want that when Al, Drew, and Peter attacked me that night at the Chasm. I didn't want people to act like I was a child and I needed their help. I can handle myself.

He nods his head at me with a warm smile. I am about to remind him about what he was trying to tell me back in my room before my water broke and ruined the whole moment. But, before I can tell him there is a frantic knock at the door.

I open it and everyone rushes in and starts panting and pushing me out of the door.

"We have to get you to the hospital." Christina pants and I roll my eyes with a groan, a groan of frustration. Not from the mild contractions that I am getting now.

"I am fine, can we just take our time. Please? Walking is actually making me feel better, I don't think that sitting in a hospital bed for a long time is going to help." I say and they instantly start walking slow.

"I can't believe this is happening." Marlene chants. "I was just eating Dauntless cake with Uriah seeing who could fit the most in your mouth, when I got a text from Four saying that you water broke."

"What did it feel like?" Lynn asks with her face mixed with disgust, and concern at the same time.

"Like I peed on myself." I answer plainly with a shrug of my shoulders as we get out of the elevator into the pit.

As we are taking our sweet time getting to the Infirmary and the person who I want to see the most turns the corner, note my sarcasm.




a/n: Ooh.. Who do you think it is? Al, Emma, Eric, or Peter?

Take a guess,

Peace and Love,

Stay Dauntless,

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