~Chapter 77~

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My heart continuously beats in my chest rapidly, my palms begin to sweat. I feel like how I did when Drew, Peter, and Al confronted me at the Chasm and almost threw me over. Instead this is worse, no one is here to save me.



"What?!" I hear Eric shout from the other side of the door and I roll my eyes, twisting the knob letting myself inside of his dark and cold office.

"Who said--"

"--look Eric, I don't have time for that." He must sense the seriousness and how upset I am because he instantly gets quiet, something that no one here in Dauntless is used to. "Tris is missing and I need your help, on Ava's birthday she and I were. . . upset with each other due to some arguing." My face flushes as I talk to the person that caused the reason of Tris' disappearance. . . or maybe it was me.

"Anyways, she left to go to the store late at night and never returned. I went to the control room to see if I could pull any tapes but someone went in to it and altered he timing to skip over twenty minutes of the time being." I take a seat in the dark burgundy chair, "I honestly don't now where she could be, I called her parents making them aware of the problem and asked if she went there maybe but I know she wouldn't just have left us. The only one that is missing is Peter."

"How am I supposed to help?" He sets a stack of paper on the left side of his desk when he finishes stapling them together and grabs another stack.

"Well, I need someone to search for her with me. I can't run around Dauntless looking for her while having Ava attached to my hip," With the mention of his daughter's name, his head perches up and he leans back in his rolling chair, "I would need someone's help with watching her, then some people working with me to search Dauntless and keeping an eye on the city cameras."

"How about this, I can settle Ava into the daycare here in Dauntless. Usually, they only accept kids through forms and then a wait, but that would take forever. With help from Max I'm sure that they will accept her as soon as we tell them. I can have Lauren, and Zeke working in the control room. You and I can work around and try and find her. If we need a bigger team then we will get trustworthy ones." He says and I nod my head standing up.

"I can't believe that I'm saying this, but thanks Eric." I nod my head again at him.

"I'll tell Max about the problem, go tell Lauren and tell her that I told her to do it." He says and I nod my head leaving the office to go get in contact with Lauren.


"Let's just play a little review game, shall we?" Emma smirks at me, "So, Tobias and I started going out back when we were just getting out of Initiation together. We were together for two whole years before you joined. Then, he went into teaching the group of Initiates which sadly you were in and practically gave me 10% of the attention I craved for and 90% for you. Why? I don't know Stiff, you tell me. Next, you fell pregnant like the irresponsible, dumb, stiff you are with the faction's leader. What a whore," She giggles and I instantly know that I am dealing with a crazy person here.

"So, Tobias instantly felt like he had to be there for you since you were a knocked up stiff who didn't know how to keep her legs closed. You had the little brat, and he started leaving home and started spending more time with you. Sooner or later, he left me for you and everyone thought I was crazy for yelling at him because he left me. I attacked you to show who was boss, and because you couldn't handle it and didn't know how stand up for yourself, I got sent to Factionless." She laughs again, her face turning cherry red from anger, "Let me tell you, stiff. It's so amazing here, I can just take showers whenever I want and don't even get me started on the meals. Just amazing, and I particularly can't wait for the winter." She picks up the silver knife, the light twinkling in the room.

"So, all of this you are saying." I take a deep breath, considering my words so I wouldn't upset her. "You're telling me so I can be aware of what I started?"

"No!" She slams her fist down on the table making me jump, "I want you to know what I felt and I want you to pay!" She flicks open the knife, the blade looking new and sharp.

"Emma, listen to me. I didn't take Tobias from you, you first have to understand that, I didn't go to him and got on my knees begging him to leave you. Far from that, he confessed to me about his feelings towards me and you. At the end of the day, that's his choice so you can't hold me accountable for that."

"I can do what I want," She stands to her feet, "When I first came to the Factionless, I was terrified. I didn't exactly know what I was walking in to. Then I met Evelyn and by the looks of it, I knew that she had to be Tobias' mother. That is how I learned his name, she filled me in on her past life an his life. We had similar problems; get you out of the picture. She wants her son with someone. . . better, more beautiful, smarter, someone that doesn't have a child. Someone like, me. We got two of the best people to grab you, including myself, who hates you to get you and help. Peter of course, and Drew. Now, we want you gone. Out of breath, and gasping for air."

I don't think about it, I think about my daughter who is home and probably wondering where I am, and all of my friends and boyfriend who I love dearly. I lunge at her, and she falls on the ground and the knife falls. We tussle around on the dirty floor, searching blindly for the knife. I feel her nails digging into my arm and her other hand pulling at the roots of my hair.

I continue to find the knife with my hand and hit her with the other one, soon, I feel a deep, heinous pain in my right leg. Searing pain coarses through my body leaving me rigid and shaking on the floor, I feel my pants get soaked in blood but I continue fighting with my other arm on Emma but then, it all stops and I get injected in my neck with something and then I instantly close my eyes, not able to fight the liquid.

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