~Chapter 8~

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My body shivers as I sip my chicken noodle soup, I don't think that falling asleep in nothing but a robe and still being wet in the beginning of fall was a great idea. The same sickness had came back; the sneezing, the headaches, the coughing, the vomiting, and fever.

This is the first thing I ate today without it reappearing instantly. Christina, Shauna, Uriah, Marlene, Will, Zeke, and Lynn have been stopping in every minute they could get to check on me and bring me things. Uriah even took it a step further and brought me a teddy bear that is bigger than me.

A knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts making me sit the hot bowl carefully down on the nightstand, I slowly make my way out of the bed not wanting any sudden movements to make my stomach any more upset.

"Coming!" I say as loudly as I can with my hoarse voice, it's when I found out that I lost my voice after I had threw up for a third time this morning. That number quickly expanded now that it is five in the afternoon.

I open the door and I see Four standing in front of me with his hands in his pockets, I am taken back at the person who is standing there at my door. Why is he here, then Emma's comment rushes to the front of my mind making me furrow my eyebrows and frown a little bit.

"You look horrible." He says with a sigh and I roll my eyes at him, but agree. I have a really messy bun in my hair, my attire is sweatpants with a long-sleeved shirt, I have on socks. My nose is red and my eyes are puffy standing out against my pale face.

"Gee, thanks." I joke and move to the side as he lets himself in, something that I was not expecting.

"Sorry for the smell in here, I have been disinfecting everything I touched and I brewed peppermint and ginger tea earlier." I say as I sneeze into my shoulder and then spray that air just in case and he chuckles.

"I had just wanted to stop by and check on you, Zeke told me that you were sick and everyone had stopped by and I felt left out." He jokes making me give a chuckle and he smiles, a real smile.

"Thanks." I say and he stares into my eyes and I stare right back into his.

"You should go." I say and mentally face-palm myself on the forehead. I want him to go because I don't want Emma to get any ideas, I could care-less but I really don't want any trouble. Not, my second month being here in Dauntless.

"I don't want you to get sick." I say and I see something flash across his eyes and I really couldn't tell what it was. He nods his head and flashes a quick smile.

"Feel better Tris." He says and I smile as he lets himself out and locks the door from the inside and then leaves shutting the locked door behind him. I smile and fist pump and walk to the bathroom as my head starts spinning from the action.

Just as I am about to sit down, I get a whiff of the chicken noodle soup and the smell instantly turns my stomach. I clamp my hand over my mouth and run to the bathroom, and get sick once again making me sigh, when is this going to go away?


"Hey." Christina says walking into my bedroom with a mask across her face making me chuckle.

"How did you get in here?" I ask as I scoot over even though I don't have to since I have a queen-sized bed.

"I picked the lock with my bobby-pin, but don't worry. . . I locked It back, wouldn't want Peter sneaking in on us now would we?" She jokes making me give a chuckle, It really feels good to laugh after puking and coughing up my guts all-day.

She sits down and I notice that she has a notebook in her hand that looks half filled with notes and glued in pages.

"You know, I was working at the clinic today, as usual. And, as I was working I noticed about three people had the same medicine for the symptoms that you are having now. They have been taking it for about three or four days and they feel better. So, I was thinking that you should go to the infirmary with me today before we go get dinner and so you could get some medicine and be able to feel better." She says and I instantly nod my head, I would do anything to make myself feel better. I mean I am all down for getting better the all natural way but the way I am feeling now, I would do anything.

"Cool!" She says happily and looks through my drawers throwing me a clean shirt and looks on the side and throws my boots at me. I change and let my hair down, I pull a jacket on my shoulders and pull my boots on and we make our way out of the door.

"You know, Four stopped by today." I say and she looks at me with widen eyes and a huge, creepy, grin dashing across her face.

"What did he want?" She says as she quickly claps her hands making me give a congested chuckle and she wrinkles her face up.

"Nothing." I state plainly, my voice sounds different from it being congested and hoarse. "He just wanted to stop by to see if I was feeling okay, and told me to feel better."

"Hah, sure." She says and I roll my eyes.



I walk the hallways of the infirmary, the scent of antiseptic wipes filling my already clogged nose, which doesn't effect it like it normally would. I follow behind Christina and Christina is following a nurse. We go down to a room that has R63 on the side and I sit down on the table.

The nurse takes my temperature, weight, height, blood pressure, pulse, heart-beat, my tonsils.

"Well, just urinate in this cup. Place it through the hole in the wall, and come back. Dr. Martinez, should be back here soon." She says handing me a cup and leaves.

"Do you need help?" Christina asks me like I am a child making me laugh and leave the room. I go to the nearest bathroom and follow the instructions the nurse told me to. I flush the toilet and wash my hands, I open the door with my sleeve and make my way back to the room.

I shut the door and sit back down on the bed and lean back staring at the ceiling.

"Where has Will been. He's been M.I.A lately." I say and she looks up from her phone.

"Boss is really taking it to us, he has us working rough, late hours barely without breaks so he usually goes home and eat then sleep." She says and I nod thinking back to him visiting me today, he really looked tired.

A knock on the door sounds throughout the room and I instantly sit up and Dr. Martinez walks into the room.

"Hello, Tris. I am Dr. Martinez and I will be working with you today." Dr. Martinez says and I smile waving, she is very pretty with olive skin and light brown eyes. Her hair is brown and long and she has a warm smile with perfectly, natural, pink lips.

"Hi." I say and she looks towards Christina with a smile.

"Hey Christina."

"Hey, Doc."

"Okay, well I am just going to check your tonsils out and then we can look at your results. Erudite is something else." She says shaking her head and I laugh and nod my head. I instantly think about my brother, I wonder how he is doing and if he helped with any of these new inventions.

But, I focus my attention back to Dr. Martinez as she asks me to open my mouth and she grabs a wooden stick placing it on my tongue and clicks a mini flashlight, I try my best to not gag at the feeling on my tongue.

"Alright, your tonsils are swollen so I can clarify that you are sick, but lets look at your results so we can classify what stage it is in and what dosage of medicine should I prescribe you with." She says and I nod my head and lean back as she looks over the sheet and she furrows her eyebrows making my heart-stop.

What is so bad, I can't be that sick. . . right?

"Well," She starts and I start to feel a sickening feeling swarm in my stomach due to the nervousness and my hands start to sweat. I wipe my slick palms on my sweatpants and lean close as she opens her mouth along with concerned Christina. "I might have to put you on a lower dosage of medicine because Tris, you are pregnant."

My heart stops, my hearing stops, and my eyes close. WHAT IN THE HELL!

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