~Chapter 15~

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"Beatrice?" She questions and I don't even have time to tell her that I changed my name before my arms are wrapped around her neck, squeezing her tightly as tears fall out of my eyes hitting her grey shirt.

"I missed you so much." She sniffles into my shoulder and I release her stepping into the warm house that still smells the same; cinnamon and fresh apples. It instantly brings warmth throughout my body making me want to instantly collapse on the floor and never return to Dauntless.

"What are you doing here?" She says and my heart stops beating for a second, I really don't want to instantly tell her, I just got here.

"Beatrice?" I hear a gasp and see dad walking down the steps then a I see a flash of royal blue and white.

"Dad? Caleb?" I say as more tears fall out of my eyes, this is a perfect family reunion. This is great that I can tell my parents and brother that I am expecting but now my heart is really off of the charts because now that they are standing in front of me, it's worse.

"What are you doing here?" Dad asks me and I smile wiping my eyes.

"I wanted to visit." I say not quite reaching their eyes, I would rather spend sometime with them first and then tell them that I am pregnant.

"Oh this is great, we can have dinner together. Just like old times." Mom says happily and I smile and nod, I can tell them around dinner.


Reuniting with my family has been great, Caleb and I took turns on telling each other about our faction and Caleb and I exchanged numbers, I had started first with my life in Dauntless.

I told them how the first stage of Initiation was rough but didn't give much details along with the second and third stage, but I was able to tell them that I came in first place and that my job is working in the tattoo parlor but when Initiation rolls by I would help train the initiates.

I let them know that I have plenty of friends, and how I have my own apartment. I let them know how I got sick but never really told them that I found out that I was pregnant, I never really told them about the party either.

Caleb told us how he has friends at Erudite and works along side with Jeanine Mathews in her lab, he says that she is pretty nice but I personally don't care for her. He came first in his initiation class and he has his own apartment but he spends a lot of time with his friend, Cara so he really isn't home a lot.

I remember Cara, the girl I threatened to punch in the face during visiting day. Cara Edwards, Will's older sister. He told us how he enjoys reading books and he hopes to visit me soon in Dauntless.

Mom and Dad shared how lonely it is at home but how they take up time by doing more volunteering hours for the Factionless and Dad keeps working along side with Marcus and things are looking good between each faction.

Then we went to our rooms and I saw that everything was left untouched, the wrinkled sheets from me sitting on them while I waited for Caleb so we could go to the choosing ceremony. My dresser that had my journal sitting on top of it where I wrote my feelings.

Since we never condoned on sharing personal feelings much mom and dad got me a journal for my fourteenth birthday and it is filled with pages of my happy, sad, excited, and nervous moments. It was great to see how my handwriting changed.

Then, while Dad and Caleb caught up, father to son. I helped mom in the kitchen to prepare dinner which was vegetable soup and I even showed mom a few tips on how to spice up the food, Dauntless style. Of course I had to use the plain seasonings like salt, pepper, and garlic salt but I showed her how to add more than just a teaspoon. I was surprised that they even had the spices but of course my parents are that selfless.

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