~Chapter 27~

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I hear loud squealing in the spare room as I pull a denim jumper over my head. I know that, that squealing belongs to Christina. Today, we are supposed to start paint the baby's room since she is coming in two months. I finally decided on a name for the baby, it is something simple, something straight to the point; Ava.

Christina, Will, Uriah, Marlene and I were going through names on a sheet of paper one day and I put them in alphabetical order, I chose the name Ava and at first it didn't stick at all. Finally, I tested it out fully. Ava Prior, then I chose her middle name which would be Marie, Ava Marie Prior. I really liked it.

I leave my bedroom in my jumper and tank top and go to the spare room, which is now Ava's room and I see the blue tarp is down on the floor and Uriah, Will, Zeke, and Four are opening cans of paint.

"I am so excited, these colors are so cute for baby Ava!" Christina screeches and throws her arms around my neck making me chuckle. She pulls away and I tie my hair into a messy bun with a hair tie that was on my wrist.

"Are you sure you can be around this paint?" Four asks and I nod my head, remembering that he wasn't there last month when we went shopping. If you could tell, I have really been holding off on doing her room.

"Yes, we brought the special kind so the fumes won't get to her or the baby." Will says as he brings a bucket of water in here. There is a knock at the door and Lynn goes and gets it while I start dipping my paint brush in aqua.

"I am here and I brought my supplies." Tori lets out a huff placing her brushes and paint on a stool, she is going to do designs on the walls along with myself since we are so 'artistic'.

"Thanks for coming." I say as I give her a quick hug and return to my task and she gasp loudly and chuckles.

"Your belly is so big." She coos in a little voice making me roll my eyes as everyone starts agreeing with her, I just keep on painting the wall.


So far the walls are drying off, we have two walls aqua and two walls purple. Zeke, and Four are setting up the crib while Will and Uriah do that changing table. Lynn, Shauna, and Christina are folding clothes and placing them on hangers after they wash them while Tori, Marlene and I are getting the bassinets, cloths, bottles, diapers, pacifiers, toys, books, bears, and towels organized.

Then when the walls are half way finished because of the amount of fans in the room, Tori and I start doing little swirls in purple, aqua, grey, and black. Then we leave and let that dry off, after that dries quicker than expected we take up the tarp and start pushing in the furniture which was kind of hard, we should have made them in the room.

But after getting it in the room, there is only a scratch on the crib which isn't bad. Then all of the girls and I start placing the clothes in her room while the boys go pick up Chinese food for us to eat for dinner.

Then I start hanging up pictures and while I am in the midst of hanging up aqua, purple, and grey letters up that spell 'Ava' the boys return with the food. Shauna lays down colorful rug over the mahogany wood and we all take a step back smiling at our work.

"It looks great." Zeke says impressed, he nods his head in approval and we all smile and agree.

"Now, the only thing missing is Ava." Will says as we leave Ava's room and all take a seat on my couch to eat our dinner and watch a good movie.


I sigh as I bring my fist up to knock on Eric's door, today I have a meeting with him and Four. I know that I am complaining a lot but Eric for once is right, this is something good to do because getting the meetings done early when we don't have anything to do is good because we would have more time to prepare physically and mentally for the misfits.

Come to think about it, that is the same month Ava is going to be born. So, I am assuming that Initiation starts late in the month because I wouldn't have time to get my body physically ready for running or jumping on and off trains. Then, I wouldn't have anyone to watch her, and she is going to be so young.

So, I might not be able to make it to the first half of training but hopefully the second and third with the final stage. I wouldn't want to miss all of it, but if I am restricted to then so be it. I don't mind missing my job for my daughter.

I hear him mumble something like a 'come in' so I twist the knob and let myself in, I see Four sitting down at the chair with an awkward look on his face mixed with a pissed look. Four already strongly disliked Eric and when he found out the he impregnated me, he was furious with both him and me.

I sit down in the chair and we quickly get down to business. They explain the rules to me, don't get to attached with an initiate, don't get pushed around, don't spend late hours with them, don't personally train them, don't show favoritism. Don't alter the results, don't sugar coat anything, don't allow things to happen because you know they are young. Stuff like that, I have to stick to the rules, be 'cold' and 'ruthless' almost and be, well, Dauntless.

Then they fill me in on how stages should be; physical first, then mental, lastly, emotional - something like that. Basically, throwing knives, hand-to-hand combat, shooting guns, and running. Then, fear landscapes going through mine probably, or Lauren's or Zeke's. We didn't go through Four's which I am positive that we aren't this year, I think we don't because it would be a waste of time. We would probably go through one fear then be finished for the day.

After that we finish our meeting up in hopes to continue next week, two more weeks of this then we are finished and would just wait until the Initiates fall out of the net.

I can't wait for that day. It is like reliving mine all over again. But, I didn't expect that all of this would be happening. I wouldn't want my life to become like one of the Initiates, for them. They shouldn't follow in my footsteps.

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