~Chapter 36~

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"Looks like your ready to start pushing." Dr. Martinez informs Mom and I as she takes off her gloves from seeing how dilated I was. I am a full ten centimeters which is a blessing, these contractions are really killing me. Like, the pain is worse than an everyday menstrual cramp, and those are pretty bad. It's like one-hundred times worse than a menstrual cramp.

"Thank goodness, these contractions are horrible." I moan in pain, even though I don't get the contractions every minute, since I am so close to delivering the pain is bad through the time span of me waiting for my next contraction to start- which are two minutes apart now.

Its around six in the afternoon meaning that my friends and family stayed here seven hours while I have been complaining about the pain. My parents and Caleb ate a little bit from the vending machines but I made my them get them something from the canteen but they couldn't eat it in here because I would either attack them or puke.

"Why didn't you get more medicine." Dr. Martinez scolds me crossing her arms over her chest, raising her eyebrows.

"Because, I really didn't want to drug the baby more than what I've already did. The medicine lasted a good amount of time and I thought that was selfish enough that I was worry about my own needs." I say with a little frown and mom smiles brightly. Okay, don't get all excited, I know that I am acting like an Abnegation-stiff, but that won't last for long when I start pushing.

Dr. Martinez smiles from me to my mom then back to me, "Alright, I will be back shortly with my crew and we can get little Ava here."

I nod my head and she leaves while I start to panic a little bit.

"Don't worry, at least you had medication and good doctors, I had you guys at home with no medicine and everyone was too selfless to take me to the hub or give me drugs." Mom says and rubs her hand over my head kisses my forehead. "You are fortunate, you are going to be fine. I promise."

She leaves and my friends slowly trickle into the room and wish me luck. Everyone is going to stay in the waiting room except Marlene and Christina. I asked mom to stay but she really doesn't do good with blood, Caleb didn't want to see me pushing a baby out of my 'lady area' and- no offense- I really didn't want my dad in there with me.

"Okay, so this is how it is going to go down." Dr. Martinez says placing long gloves on her hands that go well with her new scrubs she put on. "You are going to push with every contraction for however long that contraction lasts. We will give you breathers/breaks and then get going."

"Okay." I nod my head. Christina stands on my left and Marlene is on my right. There are nurses beside both of them and they help pull the sheet off of me and get in a 'comfortable' position even though there is no comfortable when you are about to push a freaking baby out of your nether regions.

Dr. Martinez gets in position in between my legs that are being held up by Christina, Marlene, and the other nurses. I start to feel that familiar tugging and pulling sensation in my uterus and then the contraction hits. . . hard.

"Push." Dr. Martinez instructs and I take a deep breath and start pushing hard.


[Four's Point of View]

Thirty minutes hit on the clock. My leg bounces quickly. My hands find their way to my hair for the tenth time.

I am so nervous for Tris. She has been pushing for thirty minutes and from where I am sitting, it sounds horrible. She isn't a screamer, screamer. But I did hear a few squeals and shrieks and they weren't from Christina and Marlene.

"Dude calm down, if somebody was to walk past they would think that you were the father." Zeke whispers beside me and I take my hands from out of my head and glare at him.

I wish.

Shauna, Uriah, Will, and Lynn are talking animatedly to Tris' family and I can tell that the way that they are talking back to them that they are having a really good time, they even laugh a little bit.

"That bastard." I mutter angrily almost wanting to punch the wall. "I can't believe that he got her pregnant and isn't here." I stand to my feet and start pacing back and forth and before Zeke could reply Christina walks into the room with a sigh.

"What's happening?" Caleb and Mr. Prior asks before I could. They seem really worried about her, hell, I am. My own mother died from child-birth. I don't know how I could live if Tris would die while she is pushing his baby out.

"Well, a few more pushes and she will be crowing." Christina says sarcastically enthusiastic. We all let out a frustrated sigh, I just want Ava out and Tris being able to relax. I really care about Tris, like a lot.

I hate when I see guys staring at her with hungry eyes, or when she is hanging out with boys such as Zeke, Uriah, and Will. Tris is actually very beautiful and I don't think that she sees that, everyone does she just needs to build her confidence. Just imagine how angry I felt when I saw those pictures fall out of her pocket at the restaurants and then how I felt when I found out that my freaking enemy did that to her.

"Well, I just came to fill you in but I really should go back there. Tris is really going through it." Christina sighs and leaves the room going back into the room where Tris is 'really going through it'.

I wish that I could be in there with her, holding her hand, wiping her face, telling her that it is going to be okay. But instead I am in a room full of people who are really bubbly and pacing back and forth like a maniac with cold, hard, illusion chairs.

I just hate Eric, so much.


[Tris Point of View]

"A few more pushes, Tris and Ava will be here." Marlene reassures me as tears fall down my face out of pain, and frustration. Why can't she just get here already.

"I can't." I protest wiping my eye with my hand and returning it back to Christina.

"Yes you can, just try to relax and start pushing." A nurse says and before I could tell her that I can't try to 'relax' when I am pushing a baby out a contraction hits and I can't help but to start pushing from the pressure.

"One more big, strong, push Tris and her head will be out." Dr. Martinez says as I start taking deep breathes and wait for another contraction to hit. In the meantime, Christina wipes my face and Marlene gives me words of encouragement. Then the contraction hits and I push really hard that I can't stop the little shriek that escapes from my mouth.

The nurses and Marlene and Shauna push my legs back further and I feel Ava's head come out giving me a big sigh of relief as a nurse start taking the little suction thing and getting it and sticking it in her nose and mouth. Just shoulders on out, I push again and the shoulders hit and I bite my lip from screaming, I'd rather push the head out.

They get a towel ready on my upper half and I push again and I finally feel her come out.

Her loud screams fill the room, and not just a normal scream but a 'why in the hell am I so cold' scream. I chuckle as tears fall out of my eyes and they place my squirming baby in my arms.

"She's here." I whisper with a chuckle and they lift her out of my arms and take her away from me.

She is finally here.

a/n: if you want some Fourtris then read my new Oneshot collection! Thanks!

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