~Chapter 33~

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It's been a two hours since my water broke and let's just say that these contractions are really starting to get stronger. My family isn't here at the moment, Caleb called and told me that he was talking to Jeanine to get the car. I just really hope they would come, but I told them that if it was a hassle then they could come tomorrow. Because the way I am moving and from talking to Dr. Martinez I am only 2 centimeter dilated. She said that I am moving really slow.

"I want food, I didn't even eat dinner yet." I groan with my head placed on my shoulder since I am still sitting up. The covers are placed up on my shoulders since I am freezing.

"You should have eaten the food I brought." Four mocks with a whiny voice and I roll my eyes while everyone snorts at his remark.

"Well, If only I would have known that my water was going to break." I say sarcastically as I pull my feet up into a knot groaning as other contraction starts to hit again.

"You should just get the epidural instead of waiting." Marlene says looking up from her phone with her legs in Uriah's lap.

"No." I whine as I place the top part of the bed back a little to take some of the pressure off of my back. "It's way too early and my contractions aren't that bad, just a little terrible."

"Ha." Christina chuckles at my choice of words and she stands up stretching her legs and arms out. "I am going to the canteen. Tris-do- never mind." She starts and I groan rolling my eyes. I've never been so hungry in my life.

"I'm coming!" Uriah stands up with Marlene on his shoulder and she laughs. Everyone leaves to go eat except Four, he claims that he ate earlier and that he doesn't need to eat yet.

"How are you feeling?" Four asks once everyone is gone.

"I feel like I am having contractions that are getting stronger by the minute." I complain and he smiles placing his hand on my knee.

"It's going to be okay." He says with a sigh and then scratches the back of his neck. "Um, I have a question. I want yo to think about this question I am going to ask you."

I nod my head in anticipation. I'm sure my heart rate just went up on the monitor.

"Well, if you hypothetically had a boyfriend but you had this liking to another person and you wanted to tell that person. But, your boyfriend doesn't like what he is seeing. What would you do? Hypothetically."

His question takes me back a little bit.

What exactly is he implying? Does he feel that way about me?

No, he wouldn't. I am a pale, ugly, pregnant stiff. I don't know why I get my hopes up high, even when they argue. Then the next day or even few hours they are back to lip-locking like teenage students.

"Well, I would talk to my boyfriend, and let him know how I feel because it is a two way relationship. But if things are always looking bad between us then I would call it off and talk to that person and tell them how I really feel." I answer honestly and he nods his head placing his hand back on his own knee.

Just then I get a text from Caleb.

Hey, going to pick up mom and dad now- Caleb

No, it's fine. Tell them that Dr. Martinez said that I am moving really slow and not really showing any signs for delivering tonight. I will call in the morning and then you can come, I am actually going to make my friends go home instead of wasting time - Tris

I hurry to text back before he gets far and then it would be too late.

Okay, how are you feeling? - Caleb

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