~Chapter 13~

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"That bastard." Tori says rolling her eyes making me give a slight chuckle, I just told Tori about me being pregnant and she think that is Eric's fault and not mine. Ever since I told the gang two days ago they have been more supportive and helping me a lot even if I'm only two months pregnant.

"Have you told your parents yet?" She asks and I avoid looking into her eyes, I just keep on restocking the display of piercings. "Tris?"

"I don't want to tell them, not now." I say with a sigh, turning the display case to put in the different tongue piercings that you can choose from. Every shape from flames to a seal.

"You are eventually going to have to tell them, visiting day is coming and I don't think they would appreciate seeing their daughter six months pregnant, Abnegation or not." Tori says as a customer walks in and thoughts about my parents seeing me with a big belly is still unrealistic to me.

I mean they are basically on the other side of town and I am a single mother with an unborn child, in Dauntless and I hate the father. That doesn't look that great to anyone and it will sure as hell get frowned upon in all factions except here.

Everyone here really doesn't care, they believe that everything you do is your choice not theirs so as long as you don't jump into the chasm then they are fine.

"Can I take a quick break?" I ask Tori and she doesn't look up from her sheet that she is drawing for her customer which is a girl who looks around twenty with red hair and a lot of tattoos making me wonder where exactly is she going to get it.

"Yeah, sure." Tori shouts dismissing me and I take off my gloves throwing them in the bin. I grab my jacket shrugging it over my loose sweater and I walk out enjoying the fresh air from the stuffy shop.

I find myself at the chasm, my feet dangling on the edge as I stare down at the rushing water. What am I going to do now? My stomach flips every single time I think that my house is going to have a newborn baby in there instead of just me. I am going to be a mother and have to dedicate my time to him or her.

My parents are going to be grandparents and it's hard for me to think that my father was already upset when I left, how is he going to take the fact that I left our old faction with my brother and got pregnant.

It's all too much to handle and it's really giving me a bad headache.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I hear a deep voice say making my head snap up and see Four standing above me making my heart instantly sink, he's about the only I didn't tell that I was expecting, expecting Eric's child. His enemy.

"Nothing," I say with a shrug of my shoulders as he scoots some pebbles over and sits beside me taking me back a little bit. "Just thinking."

"You aren't thinking about jumping are you?" He says and there was no playfulness in his voice, he was dead serious but I give a weak chuckle shaking my head.



Then there is a long pause between both of us, not exactly knowing what to say since we really didn't have a deep conversation.

"You seem more tense these days, what's going on?" He says and I instantly look at him a little bit of frustration swarming in my eyes. He sounds like the instructor doing initiation asking me why I got into a fight with someone like a counselor and I really don't feel like pouring out my heart.

"Nothing, Four. Just a lot on my mind." I say with a sigh placing my head on my hand and I'm sure he takes the cue to just stop pestering me about it because right now I am going through a mental battle on if I should tell him or not.

"How is life here in Dauntless." He says making me think of the time when Max asked me the same question, then that makes me think of Eric who was standing right beside him looking me up and down like I am his prey.

"Good." I lie like I did to Max, honestly like in Dauntless is okay. I just wasn't expecting getting pregnant by my leader/initiation instructor.

"How are things going with you and Emma?" I ask and mentally scold myself for me being so nosy. Now I don't want him thinking that I am snooping in his relationship and think I am a creep or anything.

"Good." He says and I furrow my eyebrows thinking that was a lie also but I am not going to pester into his relationship like I didn't want him pestering me about the fact that I am pregnant or in his case, why am I so upset.

"I should get back to work." I say standing up and placing my hands in my pockets after I brush the back of my pants off and I leave, never turning back.


"Not feeling well today?" Christina asks me as I pick over my food which I had only taken a few bites of. I really didn't eat lunch today and I didn't eat breakfast, I am starving but I can't really eat anything because I have a lot on my mind. I know that it isn't good for the baby but I have been trying to force-feed myself.

"I feel fine." I mutter lifting my fork shoveling peas and carrots into my mouth. For dinner we had something plain since it is starting to get cold now; Tri-tip steak, mash potatoes, and peas and carrots.

"You need to eat for the baby." She murmurs and I sigh and nod my head eating some of my food. I look up and see Four staring at me weirdly with his royal blue eyes piercing into mine.

My eyes squint just a little as if to say; what?

I see Emma touching his jaw and pull his face into hers and I look down at my food again shoveling more potatoes in my mouth. I just need to focus on my, job, my friends, and my baby. I can't be consumed into their life even if it makes my heart clench when I see them.

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