~Chapter 18~

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Being four months pregnant is not what I expected; my back is starting to hurt because of the size of my belly, it is starting to become more round and hider to conceal - which I don't do. My cravings are off of the wall and I'm sure the people at the supermarket know me by now. The sickness has eased up completely and I am able to do more.

One thing that is kind of embarrassing that I can't believe I am confessing is that, my sex drive is crazy. Of course, being on a mature level, I do have to relieve myself. But, I read in the baby books that around this time it would start to happen and let's just say I have erotic dreams concerning Four.

Four. He really hasn't said anything to me, he would just watch my belly intensely like other people but unlike them he doesn't get up and rub my belly asking me how far along I am. Eric really doesn't say anything to me which I am grateful for, he would look at my belly and then have like a mini panic attack. He would ask me how far along I am then leave, I don't know if he is keeping tabs or not but it is really annoying it might be my hormones, but I would love nothing more than to just kill him.

Peter thought the fact that I was pregnant which was hilarious and Uriah almost killed him, it took his brother, Will, and Four to pull him off of him. The rest of the day I was stressed out because Max had to calm down Uriah with Hana - his mother and I thought Uriah was going to get in trouble but he didn't get in trouble and right now Peter is in the infirmary and the incident happened two days ago.

So I have been kind of stressed out but Uriah comforted me and apologized, he didn't want me getting all worried about him and if he would spazz out on anyone else.

Right now I am sitting at my station talking to Bud and Tori since no one is in here, it is around nine and business is slow which is great. My feet kind of hurt because I would have to keep on shifting back and forth to draw and stock shelves, it's more than just doing tattoo's.

"How is the baby?" Bud asks, his tattooed arm leaning on the table and I shrug my shoulders absentmindedly rubbing my bump over my long-sleeved V-neck.

"Okay, the baby actually shifted the other day an it felt really weird, I am just counting down the days until I will feel the actual kick of the baby." I say smiling and Tori gives a chuckle looking down at her hands.

"You are glowing Tris, I am very happy for you. Even if that jacka*s isn't around." Tori says and I smile, biting my lip.

"Yeah, screw him." Bud adds doing a little fist pump in the air making me chuckle and throw my head back.

"You guys are crazy." I say and Bud turns to the clock and jumps but then turns to Tori with pleading eyes, she nods her head and he runs out of the shop. Bud has this strange addiction to coffee from this certain shop in the pit he really doesn't like the coffee in canteen and this shop opens at exactly at nine. The lines are always long so he tries to be there around eight fifty but, he failed and might have to wait in a line.

As I am going through my sketches with Tori I hear a loud squealing noise and soon the door burst open and I get hit with the strong smell of perfume. I barely make it to the bathroom before I am retching into the toilet, some smells still get to me.

When I am finished I wipe my mouth and look in the cabinet for my spare toothbrush I always have hear since I am pregnant now and I never know when I would get sick. I brush my teeth and fix my hair, I walk back out to see Christina with a pout sitting on Emma's chair.

"What happened? You don't like me anymore?"

I can't help but give a loud laugh and sit back down at my table.

"Sorry, your perfume just really got to me." I say tucking my legs under me and she pouts again while muttering her apologizes but I refuse to take them.

"I was able to get a break." Christina says and does a little victory dance making me smile.

"You just got to work less than an hour ago." Tori says with a chuckle sipping some coffee.

"Yeah, but the boss isn't there so I asked my boyfriend to cover me for a second. Business is slow. We are waiting on damn erudite to send in prescriptions to label and they haven't even come yet." All three of us start shaking our head. "I saw Bud running down the pit, he said hey to me but why was in such a hurry. IS THERE A SALE SOMEWHERE!"

"No!" I shout with a chuckle. "He wanted coffee, and I wouldn't mind a cup right now."

"You just threw up and you want coffee?" She says and I chuckle nodding my head.

"When you are pregnant, you get over it."


"I know."

Tori, Christina, and I have a long conversation about everything until Eric walks in and everyone puts their defense up.

"What in the hell do you want?" Christina snaps.

"Not you, Candor." Eric snaps back making Christina scoff and roll her eyes at the man standing in front of us making me hold back a chuckle. She still hates him for dangling her above the chasm in her weak stage and her finding out that he got me pregnant just added more to the list.

"Tori, Max wanted me to let you know something." Eric says digging in his pocket and his eyes dart to my stomach briefly but he steps forward. "Your ink's should be coming in soon this Friday."

"Thanks." She says bitterly snatching the paper out of his hands, his eyes meet mine and I roll mine while he leaves. I would do anything for him to leave the faction or to miraculously become factionless. Bud returns with a steaming cup and a holder holding three more cups and sugar, and cream packets is sitting in the other holder.

"How did you know I was here?" Christina says thankfully as she grabs her cup and he takes another sip and moans.

"I saw you walking this way, I knew you were visiting unless you want a tattoo."

"Hell no, not yet anyways because these hurt like a b*tch." Christina says touching her arms.

"What did Eric want, I saw him stalking down the pit." Bud says as we fill our cups with sugar and creamer, I don't add much but still enough to take away the bitter taste. I am so grateful for Bud right now.

"To drop off some papers to me, if he is acting this bitter while she is pregnant now. Imagine how he might be when the baby actually gets here." Tori says touching my belly as she walks by to throw our trash away.

"Yeah." I agree nodding my head and we all take a moment of silence and take a sip of coffee and we moan, this is great coffee. . . just right.

After drinking the coffee. Christina stands up stretching her limbs out.

"I really should get going."

"Yeah, drink my coffee and run." Bud acts fake hurt and we laugh while Christina reaches into her lab coat and pulls out a few dollars/credits and places it on his desk and we laugh. She leaves and the door opens again as three people walk in, back to work.

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