~Chapter 80~

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Thanks so much for all of the kind words these last few chapters, it does me good to know that you guys like this story! Enjoy, chapter 80!



"Now, are you sure that you saw them turn in the direction of Amity?" Max says as we walk through the early Amity fields in hopes of getting closer to the actual compound. Zeke, Uriah, Christina, Will, Marlene, Shauna, Lynn, Eric, Max, and a couple of other Dauntless guards our with us. Will, Shauna, and Lynn are in the car waiting for us. 

"Yes, we even were able to get through to the city cameras and track the car." Eric says looking very odd in his red shirt and yellow pants. We were all able to fish through the Dauntless store and find some Amity clothing which was very rare to have. The colors are a bit off though, the red is really dark, almost burgundy and the yellow is burnt. No one just ever paired them together. 

"Where could she be?" Christina wonders aloud as we reach the compound where it is swarming with red, yellow, tan, and brown colors. "This would be easy to blend in with." She smirks and we all split up. Zeke, Eric, and myself go right. Max, Uriah, Marlene, and Christina go left. 

"Hey," A guy walks up to us holding a plate full of bread and fruits of all sorts, my heart falls into an endless pit, what if we get caught? I mean, it's quite obvious because we have the freaking Dauntless leader with us in Amity clothing walking around. . . I don't even know why he's here. "I've never seen you before." 

"Well, we are here. We just came down to get some food." Zeke says happily, clasping his hand on the guy's shoulder. He nods his head and taps Zeke shoulders back and walks away. We all let out a sigh and continue to walk until we find something strange. 

"Has that always been there?" I ask aloud looking at the barn that has three stories. 

"Yeah, when I come here for meetings with Max it's always there." Eric says without looking at me. 

"We should check there, it looks pretty old and worn down so who would think to look in there." I say and we all walk towards the barn. Zeke sends a text to the others to be on standby and Eric pushes open the chipped, wooden door. We walk inside and it is completely decked out like it is in renovation or something. There are wooden floors and white walls, but something seems off. 

I point to the steps and everyone nods their heads, I place my hand on the cool metal of my gun in my waistband and I walk up the steps hoping to not make a noise. I hope for the cliche thing to happen, I find my Tris. 


I lay on the bed, silent. Silently praying for someone to come get me, they brought me back to the same place. I don't even know why they took me to Factionless in the first place, I tried escaping many times today but the idiots won't budge, which is expected. I let out a sigh, curling up tighter in a ball. Everything just happened so quickly, I was walking home from the store and boom, everything turned for the worse. 

I hear rustling in the hallway, so I slowly sit up in a sitting position my leg searing with pain. All I'm left in is a long t-shirt and underwear. I took another shower when I got here and I really didn't have much of an outfit choice. All of a sudden the door opens widely and tears instantly blurs my vision. There stands Tobias Eaton, my boyfriend, my knight in shining armor. 

"Tobias," I sob as he quickly walks towards me and lifts me up, only for me to get pulled down by the chains on my wrist. 

"Tris," He says, his own tears in his eyes. We both lean in for a kiss and then get pulled apart quickly by Eric, who I am very glad to see. Hell, I'll be happy if I saw anyone other than these hooligans I've been around for so long. "We're going to get you out here okay?" He says and looks briefly down at my injuries and a look of grief washes over his face. 

"I'm okay," I reassure him, placing my hand on his handsome face, "Just get me out of here." I hear gunshots downstairs and I jump. Eric uses a tool to get the cuffs off of me and we vanish. Tobias runs down the steps only for me to see Uriah, Christina, and Max fighting Drew, Peter, and Evelyn. I gasp and they all turn to me, they do they best they can to get them in restraints but Emma comes out shooting, literally. Lynn comes in quickly and takes her down, I wouldn't know what happens next before Tobias runs out of the building for me to see that we are in Amity and in a barn, great. 

Tobias quickly gets to a car and we pull off with Marlene driving. We go straight to the Hub hospital and Tobias turns to me, pressing his lips against mine and I relish the feeling of them and how I missed them, "I missed you so much," 

"I missed you too," He beams at me, "and Ava misses you as well." He says making tears fall out of my eyes, I miss my babygirl so much. 

"Now," Tobias grabs my hand, "Let's get you checked out." 

With that, we both head for the hospital. 


I literally whipped this up in less than thirty minutes so I didn't edit it so sorry for the spelling and or grammar if there is any. Sorry for not updating, but It's been a busy spring break. Sorry for the wait, and today, I saw my handsome husband, Keiynan Lonsdale, because I saw Allegiant today. I'd give it a 9.3. Until next time!

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