~Chapter 12~

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"So, have you told you parents yet?" Christina asks as she sits on the couch with a blanket thrown across her and she eats candy. I sigh and dip my spoon into the jar of applesauce.

"No." I say as I fill my mouth with the delicious food.

"Are you planning on telling them yet?" She says and I roll my eyes staring down at the black fuzzy blanket.

"Yeah, tell my Abnegation parents that their daughter, their Dauntless daughter went to a party and got drunk. Which came out with the result as me finding out that I am pregnant." I say with an frustrated sigh. "I can just see their faces now, me telling them that I am two months pregnant."

Christina mouth opens but then closes like a fish, it looks like she wants to comment on that but she decides not too. I place my jar on the coffee table and place my head in my hands as the tears start to flow. My parents are really going to disown me now.

"Stop crying, pull yourself together. I think it's time for you to tell our friends. You need all the help you can get instead of hiding it, with all of us on board we can all pull through this together. Because, have seven months left until you have your baby in your arms and that might seem far but it is literally right around the corner." Christina says and I can't even nod my head to agree because I am so worried. Worried about my friends, they might think of me as the wild stiff who can't control herself when she goes to a party.

Christina ends up calling everyone, she even called Four but he didn't answer which made me feel a little bit better. I am happy that he didn't answer because I don't think that I am ready to tell him, not yet.


"What's up?" Uriah says as he sits in my recliner eating some candy he got from Christina.

"Well, um. I have some important news." I say rocking back and forth on my chair and biting my lip which is a nervous habit. When Christina had called them I was so confident and I knew what I was going to say and how I was going to deliver it but now that Shauna, Zeke, Marlene, Uriah, and Lynn are sitting in my living room makes it even worse.

"What is it?" Zeke says happily as he sits beside me.

"Well, I-I-I'm uh. . . pregnant."

I can't even look up to see their faces because I am too ashamed.

"Who's the father?" Zeke asks a little too defensively. I can see where he is coming from because I know that he, Uriah, and Will look at me as their little sisters and wouldn't want anything happening to me.

"Eric." I blurt out and I hear a few gasps. I look up to see everyone looking at me in shock, not anger and pity but just one-hundred percent shock.

"So you guys go out?" Marlene says rubbing my back and I rapidly shake my head no and Will gasps.

"He raped you?"

"No, not exactly. He had showed me some different liquors on the patio and I obviously got drunk and when I had woke up the next morning I was in his bed." I say as tears fill up in my eyes blurring my vision.

"Well, I'm here for you." I hear Uriah say as I wipe my eyes with my sleeve of my shirt.

"Thanks." I say, my voice cracking as more tears fall down my face. I feel all of their arms wrapping around me at once making me smile but more tears continue to fall. This is something I wasn't not expecting.

"We love you Tris, and if there is anything you need don't hesitate to call, we will get through this together." I hear Shauna say and I nod my head as they release me. I start wondering what if I didn't meet them or if things didn't happen like it did.

I would be pregnant and alone with no one just me and the baby and I couldn't be more grateful for these things happening because I wouldn't trade them for the world.

"Let me see your belly!" Marlene happily says clapping her hands as she sits back down beside me.

"It's not that big, I'm only two months." I say sitting up and lifting my sweater up showing the little pouch that has started to form since I am getting closer to my third month.

"Aw." Shauna coos as she places her hand on my stomach and I chuckle placing her hand back on her lap.

"I'm going to be an uncle." Uriah and Zeke say at the same time and then give each other a weird look and we all laugh, yeah, I wouldn't trade them for the world.


"So, if it's a girl what would you name her?" Lynn asks laying on the sofa with a spoon in melted chocolate as she eats it and I shrug my shoulders as I eat out of a jar of crunchy peanut butter.

"I don't know yet, I was thinking on do I even want to know the gender when that time comes." I say and they nod. Christina decided that we should all have a girl's night and come back to my place and pig out on junk food and watch movies.

My favorite part so far is the eating, I didn't realize how hungry I was until I had ate some pizza earlier. We had watched two movies so far, one was called The Notebook and the other was called She's the Man and I liked She's the Man better because I laughed throughout all of it.

We had set up the table with a large box of pizza, endless amounts of candy and jars of chocolate, and peanut butter. We had soda, and juice and a big bowl of popcorn and we barely made a dent in the food and we have been eating stuff for three hours.

We choice to take a break from the movies and just talk for a while, we talked about Initiation, Dauntless, and the baby.

"What are your symptoms like?" Christina asks biting into her third slice of pizza.

"Nothing too bad." I say with a shrug dipping my spoon into the jar again. "Just a little bit of vomiting but not every morning, some cravings but nothing too weird or too much, and that's about it. One thing that is frequent is headaches and insomnia."

"Man, sounds bad." Lynn says with her eyebrows furrowed.

"I mean, it does sound bad but not that bad." I say leaning over to grab some pretzels.

"I'll be honest, when Zeke asked who the father was I thought that you were going to say Four." Shauna says making me give a chuckle and shake my head rapidly.

"What Shaun?" Marlene and Christina say in disbelief with a chuckle while Lynn and I are laughing.

"I mean lets be honest, I have known Four since our initiation and he never seemed interested in girls who flung their selves at him. Emma, well, Emma she really didn't do that but, Zeke with his stupid self set up a double date with Four, Emma, Myself, and Zeke." Shauna says and then rolls her eyes. "I couldn't stand her, I still can't and Four went out with her but she kept forcing herself on him and he didn't really have a choice but to just go out with her."

"But, every-time at dinner I catch Four starring at Tris and he always used to talk about you. Gosh, it was so annoying even we got drunk by the Chasm he kept talking about you. So, don't blame me Prior for thinking it was him." Shauna jokes making us laugh and I rapidly shake my head.

"No, I am just a plain person." I say shaking my head and they all scoff.

"Please, you are anything but plain just ask the Dauntless men." Marlene says with another scoff eating some ice cream making me roll my eyes.


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