~Chapter 66~

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A/N: Just imagine her hair is dark blond, I just think this baby is too cute and how I imagine Ava to look. Enjoy!




"How are you feeling?" Hana asks me as she runs her hair through my hair, she pulled me off to the side of her house and took the time out to ask me how am I doing.

"I'm coping well, with Tobias helping me out and being able to see my baby girl. I am doing better than expected, I refuse to become depressed." I smile at her and she runs her hands down my covered arms and looks at me proudly.

"You really came a long way," She laughs and I smile at her giving her a hug, "Now, let's get this table set." She tells me and we continue to set the table.

It's been a few weeks since Al's death and I have been doing much better. Like I was told on a Friday a while back, we had a dinner scheduled with Hana and the boys. Due to Al's sudden death, we had to push it back. . . and now, we are here. Ava is on the floor, sitting up straight, sucking on her pacifier staring at Zeke and Uriah with her eyebrows furrowed. . . looking like Eric. Some days she looks identical to Eric and other's she looks just like me.

So, today we are going to have a beautiful dinner together while talking together. I know that the boys look at Tobias as if he is their brother and Hana is his mother, so, we both feel at home. Hana and I finish setting up the table to indulge into this amazing meal. Hana made a beautiful chicken Parmesan, Zeke with the help of Shauna made a fresh toss salad, I made string bean casserole, Tobias made vegetables with the help of me, and Uriah got the Dauntless cake and ice cream.

"Time to eat guys, go wash up!" Hana tells her sons and they all start rushing towards the bathroom, leaving Ava on the floor to play with her toys. I return back to the kitchen and wash my hands at the sink and Tobias sets Ava's high chair up.

"Are you hungry Ms. Ava?" Hana says coming into the living room as I look in Ava's baby bag to get her bib, spoon, and food. Ava looks up at Hana and drops her toy car keys and continues to suck on her pacifier, "Sorry to say this, but you have your father eyes. My, my." She lifts Ava up who kicks her legs in the air and we all go to the kitchen. She sets Ava in her chair and straps her in while we all start to sit at the table.


"So," Hana says laughing, placing her wine glass on the table, "Five year old Zeke decided it would be nice to give three year old Uriah a make-over. . . in my clothes. Zeke used all of my make-up, and put him in my undergarments and heels. When I came home, I was so surprised. I tried to smack fire out of Zeke and ever since then, when I took a nap that had to take one too. I learned my lesson."

We all start to double in laughter while Zeke lets out a sigh and color floods Uriah's cheeks, "I remember that day, I still feel the sting." Zeke says touching his cheek and we all laugh.

"Oh don't laugh like that Tobias, I had to get you too when you were sixteen." Hana says pointing her spoon at Tobias since we are eating dessert. Ava is laying in my arms since she got fussy, I gave her a little bit of cake and now she is sleeping on her with her head on my shoulder.

"I remember," Tobias shivers and I smile brightly looking in between the laughing Pedrads. "But, I wasn't the only one."

"What happened?" I ask excitedly looking at them.

Tobias lets out small laugh with a sigh, "I had just came to Dauntless and after telling Zeke and his family about my background, so, he decided that it would be great that we would drink during the chasm while we confessed some personal things. All of a sudden, both of our ears were getting pinched and we were being dragged to our dorms. But, before we left the chasm she made us drop our bottles in there and slapped Zeke."

"I think Zeke got hit the most," Uriah says and we all turn towards his with a look on our faces, less than an hour ago before we started eating he got hit.

"Good times, good times." Tobias says and I nod my head looking down at Ava, I hope that I don't have any major problems when she gets older. Of course I had to pop her hands a few times, but that is what a parent is supposed to do, discipline the child. But, with Tobias' story. That was way too much. Marcus didn't know how to stop and that was his problem.

After Tobias and I help clean the house with the boys, we get our stuff and head out going back to the apartment so I can put Ava in her crib.

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