~Chapter 24~

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I slowly peel open my eyes feeling sleepy, I didn't have a good night's sleep due to the baby kicking me last night. She obviously was very excited for some reason and decided to kick me multiple times making me stay awake until she finally died down.

I throw my covers off of me and I walk to the bathroom grabbing my washcloth to cleanse my face, I brush my teeth and hair. I pull my hair into bun and then I lay back in bed cuddling with my maternity pillow in hopes to get some more sleep.

Tori let me off for the day and didn't want me to work which was very odd. Now, I can relax and just sleep all day today and eat all of the food that is left in my fridge. Which is actually well stocked.

I close my eyes in hopes to get more sleep, and finally it happens. I drift off into a wonderful, dreamless, sleep.


"Tris, wake up." I hear someone whisper and shake my shoulders. My eyes slowly peel open my eyes and see Christina standing above me with a little smile forming on her lips.

"How did you get in here?" I croak sitting up as I rub my eyes in hopes of getting my vision back to normal.

"I picked the lock with a bobby-pin." She says smugly placing her hands on her hips proud of what she did. "Now, get up missy. We have a big day planned ahead for us."

"What are we doing?" I say throwing my feet off the side of the bed, walking to the bathroom. I leave the door open so I can hear her. Christina is my best-friend and she has seen me naked before. Especially during Initiation, we really didn't have a choice.

"Well, I want to take you to a spa for a make over and a nice relaxing massage." She says and for once I am approving what she is saying. I love hanging out with Christina, but shopping with her can be tiring. I actually don't mind this 'activity' that she has planned today.

"That sounds great, not to happy about the make-over part but the massage part I am happy about." I say as I flush the toilet, wash my hands, and walk back out. I place my hand on my lower back and stretch. "My back is killing me a lot these days."

"Great, pull on some pants buddy and lets go." She says and touches my belly. "Hi little baby."

The baby kicks at her voice and she squeals loudly and I roll my eyes pulling some pants to match with my black shirt that I slept in. I pull on some tennis shoes and I put my hair down and we both make our way to the Dauntless massage place.


After a great massage from the workers and being fed with endless amounts of peanut butter cookies, I am in a true state of tranquility. I even fell asleep at one point but I feel refreshed and relax, for once in my pregnancy life. I got a back massage, coals placed on my back, a bubble bath, even getting my eyebrows and legs waxed.

Now, I am getting my 'make-over'. My hair is currently getting washed and conditioned, professionally.

"I brought you some clothes to change into, I was thinking maybe we could grab something to eat at a restaurant." Christina says walking into my room with a sheer cape wrapped around her neck and her hair is in foil, she decided to get blond tips.

"I don't know why I am getting all of this done, I can't be a pretty pregnant teenager." I say rolling my eyes as the hair stylist starts washing the suds out of my hair and I sigh, this feels amazing.

"Well, at least you would be a noticeable one." Christina says plopping back down into her chair as she leans back for her stylist to continue washing the excess dye off of her hair. "But you are pretty."

"Sure." I mutter under my breath as my stylist wraps a towel around my hair and makes me sit down in a chair.

"How do you want your hair?" She says and I am about to tell her a ponytail or bun, but I shrug my shoulders at her not really knowing everything about hairstyles.

"Surprise me. You can cut my split ends too, to make it even." I say, that is the only thing I know about hair because my mother always used to cut my hair every three months, that is when I was able to look back at myself in the mirror. Things really changed.

"Alright-y" She says and starts brushing my hair and I close my eyes, letting her work wonders. Before I know it she is blow drying my hair and then grabbing a hot curling iron making me whine. People start to crowd around me and prick and prod with my face.

"Christina?" I whine and I hear her chuckle.

"Don't worry, I told them to give you a natural look." I hear her say making me whine once again as I am instructed to close my eyes, so I can get what I am assuming is eyeliner.

Why is she getting me all dolled up if we are just going out to eat?

She could have did that by herself.

"Done." The crew announces and I smile warily at them, I am too scared to look in the mirror. A natural look for Christina is blush, foundation, concealer, lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner. I don't think I would like all of those products on my face and I barely know what they are even used for.

Before I can look in the mirror Christina is ushering me into a bathroom and handing me a bag to get dressed in. She instructed me to not look in the mirror, which is really hard to not do. I am so tempted to steal a glance, but I get dressed and walk out of the bathroom.

"Oh you look so cute!" Christina squeals, she actually looks pretty good with her natural brown hair blending into the blond color. It looks really good.

"You look great too." I say smiling as she hands me a pair of boots, I put the on and it comes up to my knee, I know that I am wearing a long sleeve dress and I can't see it but I think it pairs well with the outfit.

"Are you ready to see yourself?" She asks and I nod my head as she goes and grabs a full body mirror and I gasp. This isn't the same girl that fell into the net. This isn't the same girl that Christina tried to make 'noticeable'. This isn't sixteen year old Beatrice.

I look brand new, I look amazing, I look Dauntless. My hair seems brighter and fuller from the conditioner that was placed in my hair making it look great and resembles gold. I falls down my shoulders evenly since it was parted in the middle and it is wavy.

My face looks softer, and more lighter and colorful. Black eyeliner lines my eyes making them look daunting, and fierce. The mascara makes my eyelashes long and full, giving me an angelic look. My lips are lined with burgundy liner and filled in with the same shade making them look fuller, and well. . . kissable.

Then I look down to my outfit; I am wearing a pretty long-sleeve sweater dress that matches the color of my lips and it is a few inches above my knee, I have on a matching leather jacket with a pretty knitted scarf wrapped around my neck. I have on knee high brown riding boots that pair well with the outfit.

"Just the last touches." Christina says and walks up to me and slips a heart necklace over my neck that pairs with heart earrings. That really did complete the outfit.

"Chris, I am speechless." I say in awe as I still take in the new image of myself.

"Well, I think that is a good thing." She giggles and I smile nodding my head.

"I hope this stuff is water-proof." I say as my eyes start to blur up. One thing about pregnancy is that everything will make me either upset or extremely happy. It's hard to keep up with my own damn self.

"Don't worry it is." Christina gives me a knowing smile as I wipe my eyes and engulf her in a hug. The baby kicks and we both laugh.

"It seems like she likes it too." I giggle and Christina nods her head.

"Let's go. I'm starving."

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