~Chapter 49~

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"Why are you so fussy?" I ask with my forehead on my four week old baby. I give her a kiss and she squirms in my arms so I place her on the large pillow on her back that is sitting beside me on the floor. It has been a two weeks since we started working on the knife throwing and shooting guns, most of the Initiates have bruised shoulders from shooting the long guns and backfiring and hitting them in the shoulder, that has happened to me so many times during the first stages.

Ava is now a month old and is starting to move around a lot more. She tries to hold her head up but still needs people's help a lot. She coos, gurgles, and squeals a lot more to noises and tries to reach her hand out to hold objects but her hands are stilled balled up.

"You have a doctor's appointment tomorrow." I tell her as I lay on my stomach grabbing on to one of her colorful blocks that has the letter A on it. Will got these alphabet blocks for her and it is made out of plastic instead of wood, they are very colorful and often catches her attention.

"A, for Ava!" I say happily holding the block out to her and she grunts and holds her arm out to grab it and makes her wrist touch it. I chuckle and move on to the next block, "B for Beatrice!" Just as I grab the block that has the next letter on it there is a knock at the door. I make sure that Ava is on the pillow securely before I stand up walking to the door.

"Who is it?" I ask and stand on the tip of my toes to see that it is my friends.

"US!" They all shout and I open the door and they are all standing there happily with smiles on their faces. I step out of the way and let them inside. I close the door and I see Ava in Marlene's arms and she is fussing horribly.

"What are you guys doing here?" I say walking into the living room and sitting on the floor with my back against the ottoman. I move my legs back and forth and Shauna turns to me.

"We are about to go get some food from the canteen and we wanted to stop by to see if wanted to come with." Shauna says with jazz hands and I pout thrusting my lower lip out.

"I would love to go, but Ava is really fussy if you couldn't tell already. So I was going to try to get her straight and put her down for a nap." I say and everyone coos and Ava tries to turn her head making me laugh, everyone stands up and Christina hands me Ava and they all say their goodbyes and lock the door behind them.

"Come on Avey. . . let's get you to bed and some food. I don't understand why you are so upset." I tell her as I walk towards my bedroom. I turn the water on so that it is lukewarm and I grab her bassinet from the corner of the room placing it in the tub. Once the water is half way filled I turn it off and go to Ava's room with her in my arms and I grab her cute little towel that has a hood on it and her soap and lotion.

I go back into the bathroom and undress her placing her diaper in a plastic bag and placing it beside her dirty clothes. I place Ava in her bassinet and she starts to whimper once she realizes that she is in the water, I grab her washcloth and I put it in the water and I rub it over her body and then I put the soap in the wash cloth and I start to rub it on her, she is now full on crying now.

"Sush, Ava. Please." I say as I drain the water out to rinse her. I clean her face and I lift her out of the water and I put the towel on her and the little hood and I cut the light off promising myself to clean up the mess later. I did bring the clothes and diaper though. As I rub her back to calm her down there is a knock at the door making me give a loud, frustrated groan.

I open the door to see Four standing there with a little smirk on his face, "I can just leave." He says and I give a weak smile shaking my head.

"Sorry, it's just that Ava is in a funk today." I say.

"May I?" He asks holding his calloused hands out to me and I put Ava in his arm and he walks to the back while rocking her and within a minute she is quiet. I smile and walk towards the kitchen taking a pot from under the cabinets. I put some water in there and then look in the fridge for one of her little bottle containers of milk. I put it into another bottle that has butterflies and hearts on it and then I place it in the warm water to warm up the milk.

Just as I test it on my wrist Four walks back into room holding Ava in his arm and she has on a pink onesie that says, 'Mommy's Girl' in black. She is slump in his arm and the way that she is staring at me seems like she is trying to say 'Yeah, I'm in Four's arms. Top that.' I chuckle and roll my eyes handing Four the bottle.

"She is so spoiled. What did you do?" I ask surprised at how easily she takes the bottle from him, "I just talked to her." He says as she sucks on the bottle.

"What did you say?" I ask as we make our way towards the living room.

"That is something between us." Four says and I hold my hands up smiling. We both sit on the couch side by side and before I could grab the remote Four stops me.

"Tris, I have something to tell you."


"Emma and I have broken up."

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