Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


Lucky cackles spotting a Policeman on a horse and I quickly turn the other way. "Dante we can't just drive around least tell me where we're heading?"

He sighs as if I'm being difficult and pulls over to a parking meter. "Let's grab a McDonalds or something so we can center ourselves."

I look at him like he's lost the plot, "McDonalds! Don't you think that's a bit too public?...and Lucky...why don't you let me put her in the Bakery and then we can go...anywhere you want."

I realize how dumb this sounds but I've got to try. He shakes his head, "NO."

"But why?"

He swings around as if he's going to hit me I flinch, waiting for the blow then look down. "So, where are we heading?" I mutter, my bravado vanishing.

"You'll see when we get there, somewhere that we can lie low until I work shit out."

We leave the van and head down Shaftesbury Avenue. Theatre Land, I think dreamily, a place to glow and sparkle before it dumps you harshly back down to Earth with the unobtainable laughing in your face.

Many people pass as if we are all stuck in a vortex and with each one I feel at any moment someone will shout, "It's them! Bonnie and Clyde! They have the baby!" But for now, no one sees us, we are invisible, just tourists on a happy family day out.

We reach McDonalds which is packed as usual. What are you having?" he asks as if we are fine dining.

"Chicken Burger and fries, get Lucky a small fries."


"Coke and a milkshake."

He laughs, "Weird."

I leave him to order and take Lucky downstairs to sit and wait. She babbles happily completely at ease, totally unaware of our fragile freedom. I wonder if I should just grab her and run. I stand up slowly looking around and pick her up. Quickly I climb the stairs and head to the door. My heart is hammering fully expecting someone to stop me...nearly there. Lucky shrieks not wanting to leave without her food...then the chance is gone.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I look around at Dante smiling nervously, "She was feeling sick and needed some air."

He points angrily to the stairs and once again we trundle down. The tension has grown and sprouted wings. He spots a corner table and shoves me along. The tray is slammed down then he sits. I do the same while looking away.

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you were planning to run out on me."

"No Dante... Like I said..."

"Bullshit, you were going to fucking run."

Lucky reaches for the fries and crams them into her mouth. I help her glad of the distraction and we all eat in silence. I don't mind admitting that I'm scared and have no idea how I'm going to get us away.

Someone on the table opposite picks up his newspaper and looks over. Dante doesn't spot it but I do. I nudge him, "I think we need to leave."

He follows my gaze then grabs Lucky, "Get up."

I walk behind, past the man imploring him with my eyes to fucking do something. Dante quickens his step and I hurry dumbly. We leave the premises and the noise from the traffic spurs us into action. He grabs my arm with his other hand as if fearing that I'll run off. We reach the van and clamber inside. Lucky is screeching now and he glares at her, "Shut that kid up before I do!"

I hug tighter and do my best to hush her but that only makes things worse. He starts the engine and we drive off. He seems it possible that I've missed some important facts about his character? Did I want to see a fantasy so much that I overlooked vital factors?

We don't drive that far, London won't allow it, it dictates and you follow the pace. I look in the mirror and see that we are being tailed. It's not a Cop car but I know it's Police. Dante does too. He zips through a red light and up a side street. People scream jumping out of the way, narrowly missing being hit. He doesn't care, then a siren goes and the red light is on top of the car. The chase is on...

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