Part 16

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Chapter 16

I have no idea what will happen to Gale and right at this moment, I don't really care. He has a lot to learn about loyalty for sure. I know now that I'll never move in with him, it simply won't work.

The rest of the day is spent meandering around. I find a newspaper in a bin on Regent Street with the front page screaming 'Headless Corpse found in Soho'. I don't bother reading it as there's no point. I know who it was and I know the killer drives a blue Vauxhall, but there's nothing I can do. The Police will just have to get on with it and find him in their own time.

The sky dims as night slowly skulks around the corner. Deciding to head home to see Podge before work, I smile suddenly remembering that I've already made money so needn't work. I consider going to see a movie or maybe catching up with Gale to find out what happened. My heart sinks a little with the realization that I'm lonely. This hasn't overly bothered me before.

I meander under Waterloo Bridge feeling a deep depression descend. It's fairly sedate for the time of the day. A few potheads and boozers sit gossiping intently as if in a business meeting. I don't see anyone I know, not that I care. I approach the box and Podge pokes his head out. I smile warmly at least he'll never let me down. Bending to pull back the curtain I stop dead in my tracks and look in front and behind, then left to right before I pick up the red rose. It smiles broadly as if to say 'Ha! I told you I'd be back.' The scent is sweet and flowery, heady as if it has just been plucked from a garden. In a surge of frustration, I tear the petals off and throw the thorny stem. The petals blow upwards in a sudden gust of wind. I look at my hand and a trickle of blood runs slowly down my finger and silently drops to the ground. I watch the petals swirl away, rising in a circle as if being sucked in by a tornado. I enter the box and as much as I try I can't stop trembling. My inner voice is screaming 'You're not safe anymore.' Pressing my eye to the spy hole I survey the scene before covering it up and reaching for a magazine.

I imagine myself on a faraway island with plenty of friends to watch out for me but this does nothing to calm my fears. Gale let me down badly by choosing to stay with Dirk and I'm not sure I can forgive the betrayal so easily. Setting my alarm for an hour's time I close my eyes with one hand firmly on my knife.

One hour later.

The night rejuvenates and the rose is compartmentalized and filed away for a later date. The nap has done me the power of good as I skip around Soho calling out greetings to familiar faces. Even the stench of rotting fruit doesn't bother me. It's comforting like a warm hug. I pick up an Evening Standard from outside Piccadilly tube station and see that the Police are stepping up their investigation of the Rollingson murder. A slow smile spreads across my face I'm not worried anymore that girl is long gone.

Todd's Bakery beckons and I walk through the door with a huge smile.

"Hey! Did you miss me?"

He looks up and frowns causing my smile to slip slightly.

"Well, that's not much of a welcome is it now?"

"I'm busy Kizzy, police been around all day because of that murder."

My eyes gleam, "No shit...really?"

Todd watches me carefully, scrutinizing my face for any sign of guilt. There isn't any. He's not sure whether to hug, lecture, or kick me out. I'd bet he's never met anyone like me in his life.

"Come back later for bag. Round back is sealed off, so unless you want police to question you, go."

I slam the door before he gets the last word out.

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