Chapter 44.

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Chapter 44


Watching Dad...Dad with the gun pointed at me. At the moment it's a guessing game, will he kill me or himself? The odds are 50-50, I've always liked a gamble but right now I've lost the taste for it.

The negotiator is a waste of time, you can't reason with a man like that. I mean God I've spent my whole life wanting him, needing to hear that I meant something...I finally thought that I had a chance, how dumb was I? I imagined that we'd talk deep and maybe he'd tell me why he thought my mum had vanished all those years ago...but no, it's still always about Kizzy. Nothing else matters to him and weirdly I almost think that I imagined having a mum. Dad's just cut her from his life, sharp and final and I see now no matter what I do I will never be enough, more importantly, though I don't know if I want to be. You can't force someone to love you but I do know that Benita loves me and if I get out of this alive I'm going to spend the rest of my life making it up to her...if she'll let me.

Dad sits down but is alert as a cat. "The place is rigged you know."

"Rigged?" asks a Cop warily looking around.

"Yep, will go up like a bonfire," he says proudly.

The Police exchange glances wondering if they should believe him, they turn to me for some kind of clarity.

"Believe him," I say, "If the fucker says it is, it is."

Dad starts to laugh, softly at first then he bellows as if he's about to burst. I watch him helplessly and realize that I don't know him, and I never have. He's the Bogey man from all the horror stories, the dark stranger that your mum always said to run from, I feel nothing but empty.

I'm brought back to my senses as he throws his gun down mockingly raising his hands. The Police are on him in a flash. I watch horrified...My mighty fantasy Dad slain! Surely the end shouldn't be that easy.


I know something's going down as the Police presence has doubled as well as the paramedics and forensics standing by. What the fuck is wrong? Why aren't they charging inside? The radios seem to be getting louder but I can hear nothing but crackled noise. I want to see him brought out, just bring him out for Christ's sake.

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