Chapter 57

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Chapter 57


I'm leaving the Hilton with a heavy heart. The photo session was not my thing at all. I've never been one for vanity, so all that probing and fussing was just the worst. Yet I guess worth it for the cheque and the world to know that Star is no Star ha. She is and always will be a street tart, no matter how hard she tries to convince us otherwise.

I'm just walking past Fortnum and Masons wondering if I should nip in and get B some truffles before heading for the tube when I stop dead. The reporter's voice replays, 'Interview with if.' He had seemed dead keen on the idea then it dawns on me. No wonder she's so bloody confident, they've probably put her up at the fucking Hilton. Skanky Bitch.

Of course, they have! How dumb am I? I should have known by the way that he was angling also where else does sleaze go other than the Hilton, it practically leaks with it.

Making a snap decision I turn on my heels and high-tail it back to the hotel. I'm not sure exactly why I'm doing this but my blood is pumping and I have ringing in my ears. Not normally a good sign.

By the time I arrive, I'm sweating buckets as I push past the rotating doors. I head for the bar but Bill's gone no surprise there. I hurry over to reception trying my best to ignore the suspicious glances.

"May I help you?" asks the heavily made-up receptionist. I am momentarily distracted by her long red nails as she taps away at a screen. They are blood red and very sharp like weapons, for some reason I am transfixed.

"Excuse me, Miss?"

I shake myself free, "I'm here to see Starlight Velvet." I step from one foot to the other watching as she smiles and taps away.

She looks up at me, "Are you a reporter? Is she expecting you?"

Jeez, doesn't this bitch read the papers or watch TV?

I smile sweetly, "No, not a reporter but she's definitely expecting me."

"Very good Miss if you would just like to give me your name then I'll let her know that you are here."

Shit hadn't thought of that.

I smile hopefully sweetly enough to flush away any mistrust, "No it's fine really, I wanted to surprise her... I'll just wait over there no worries."

"Very good Miss."

She turns away our interaction is over...stuck up Bitch.

I plonk myself on one of the comfy leather chairs in the foyer. I fall into it as if being embraced and sit with my arms crossed and my eyes glued to the lifts.

Benita crosses my mind, she won't be happy, she hates me getting into trouble and now that I'm going to be an auntie I did promise to behave myself but...I think of Star's grinning face and the ringing in my ears gets louder. She's about to have a very sharp lesson. Dad leaps into my thoughts laughing...I know what he'd do.

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