Chapter 34

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Chapter 34.

Is this the moment that I run into his arms breathing a sigh of relief that I'm not alone? I look at Phoenix and all I see is a deep-rooted hate.

I sit down next to Benita and attempt to hold her hand I'm not surprised when she slaps it away. Dad is in front of me so I stand before he can pull me up. His arms are open, then he envelopes me in a bear hug. I am rigid watching over his shoulder as Phoenix gives me the evil eye.

Dad's hands slowly wander down my back stroking my waist. I feel an angry heat explode in my head as I'm filled with thoughts of previous clients...but this is worse. This is my Dad and he's a killer. I can sense all my doors of opportunity slamming closed.

Jed attempts the friendly approach...ha he's living in a dream world.

"Well, I may as well be getting on my way... You've obviously found what you're looking for."

He whistles to Star and she runs to him. Dad sighs as if dealing with unruly kids. He points to Jed, "You stay, and you..."

Star looks hopeful for a release, poor kid, "You sit there."

Benita moves up so she can sit down. He then turns back to focus on Jed who has turned a deep shade of yellow, Jed gulps nervously, "Listen man I'm not going to say anything..."

Dad smiles calmly, "That's correct, you're not completely stupid then."

A surge of bravado tells Jed to take a chance after all he's a pimp and that's what they do. I watch as he lunges towards Dad and then stops as if being held in mid-air. Star shrieks as blood flies out from the perfect circle in the middle of his head. It's a clean hit, Jed never stood a chance. Star collapses over Jed's body while Dad looks on giggling curiously intrigued.

"You Monster!"

I roll my eyes you're wasting your insults Star, all you're doing is presenting him with a shiny badge of honor and a huge adrenaline burst. I look again at Phoenix who's still staring at me. B must be devastated...was it all a lie? Did he ever love her or was it all part of some crazy plan to get to me? I give him a dirty look and try to catch B's eye, she's not falling for it...I guess she sees me as a lost cause now.

Benita sits up and clears her throat, "So Phoenix was this all some kind of sick joke then?"

Phoenix goes to answer but Dad silences him with a look, "Phoenix never loved you," he says gleefully, "You were simply a means to an end."

I'm fuming! "Don't believe that for a second!" I don't want her any more hurt than she is already. She gives me a quick look of thanks before turning back, "Well? No words for the girl you were going to marry...the girl who's just lost your baby?"

All is silent apart from Star's snuffles over Jed. I don't why she's bothering as he's clearly dead.

Dad looks at the body distastefully, "Well he can't stay on the floor he will start to stink...don't you have a basement or something?"

I laugh, a creature of habit obviously. "No Dad, no basement."

He sighs deeply put out, "Well we're going to have to do something."

He turns smiling at me in a friendly way, "I'd love an Earl Grey darling."

I know we don't have any but anything to get out of this room. I enter the kitchen and peer out of the window. Podge and Cheto are by the bush not moving. Tears of despair and fury run down my face. I don't run out ... I know they're dead. I look back at Dad who's positively beaming, "You Fucking Bastard!"

I rush towards him even though I know it's futile, you can't reason with a shit like that. He deflects my blows easily somehow managing to twist both my arms behind my back. He throws me on the floor laughing, "Still my wildcat I see...Oh Melissa what am I going to do with you?"

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