Chapter 61

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Chapter 61


I leave her whimpering in the stall and head back into the main bar. Dante looks up and I give him a cheeky wink. He doesn't know it yet but he's going to be very useful to me. I have a plan I'm not my dad's daughter for nothing.

Benita. Hammersmith Evening.

She just woke up from a nap, being pregnant was draining the life out of her, and worry about Kizzy had brought on a horrible headache. She looked down at her stomach and smiled, all would be well eventually.

The door slammed and she looked up.

"Kiz in here!"

Kizzy marched in and stood in front of her before flopping onto the rocker and leaning forward with her head in her hands.

"God what a day."

Benita sat waiting unsure of what was going to be revealed. She touched her foot with hers, "Well? Don't leave me in suspense...what happened? How'd the interview go?"

Kizzy scanned the room, "No Phoenix?"

Benita smiled, "He's on the way. Apparently was really busy today and cashing up is not his strongest point."

Kizzy's mind raced as she wondered if it was fair to tell her sister the truth, what with her condition so she decided to lie. It just seemed a lot easier. "Can you believe I got another letter from the'd think he'd give it a rest by now."

Benita smiled sympathetically, "Are you sure you're not giving him mixed know men don't understand them."

She glared at her, "No mixed signals B, he's just a sad pain in the arse."

Benita crossed her arms, "A very DANGEROUS pain in the arse."

Kizzy got up to go and make a coffee. Sometimes playing dumb was the only option.


She was back in her hotel room packing and still shaking over earlier. Suddenly Dante didn't seem so bad. Although realistically she knew he could ruin a whole lot of potential opportunities for her and what was that veiled threat about telling the world that she, not Jed murdered fucking Tam Woodlouse!

"What a bastard," she said running her fingers over her stringy hair. Her mascara had smudged from all that crying leaving her resembling a crazy clown from a Stephen King movie.

She wondered where God was when you needed him... Yet, weirdly she feared Kizzy the most. She saw something in her eyes that chilled her soul and knew that it was just a matter of time before they met again. The thing about Kizzy was that she couldn't be bribed, so that put a huge spanner in the works.

All Star can do is watch her back and pray.

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