Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Later on at work, I think about Bs revelation...Married? Like why? Me personally I'm never getting hitched, may as well be in prison. For some reason Phoenix doesn't seem mature enough to go the next step, easy to see who wears the trousers. Wonder what Dad would make of it all...

I grab a coffee and sit down by the window, faces' morph into the same person, and for some annoying reason, I see Dante. I know he could ruin everything for me but sooner or later we will catch up and probably one of us won't be walking away. But for the moment I'm concentrating on being good and normal. If you believe it enough then nothing's impossible.

Phoenix walks in pushing the buggy with a face like thunder. What the Hell?

"You ok?" I ask eyeing Lucky with concern.

He nods rolling his eyes, "Had to bring her Benita's having a moment."

I pick Lucky up as he heads to the loo, "What you've been doing then?"

She laughs while grabbing hold of my hair. I blow a raspberry into her neck and she shrieks with laughter. Phoenix comes back drying his hands. He looks change that, fucking exhausted! Something's going on, I can feel it.

"So what's up with B then?" (She seemed ok earlier. Wonder if she told him about the marriage?)

He starts filling pastries onto the display almost as if trying to avoid answering my question. "She's struggling you know, every time I try to talk about it she bursts into tears."

I sympathize although secretly thinking that I'd probably be the same. I put Lucky into her rocker and continue to listen, "So what...she's like going nutty? Think I read something about that ages ago."

He laughs, "No nothing as bad as that hopefully she'll snap out of it." He walks into the back room and I feel the air chill. This is not calm. What's going on?

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