Chapter 45

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Chapter 45


This all feels like deja vu, been here, bought the T-shirt, and worn it! I wonder erratically if Mum is watching and if she follows me about and can see what her husband has tuned in to. Oh and another thing! Does she know about his secret kid? So many unanswered questions no doubt that will never be answered, my life is like living inside a movie...the horror kind. Only it never seems to end, life just races long eating me up.

Once I wanted to be a movie star, it doesn't seem like that long ago yet it's almost a lifetime. My body is young yet I'm old before my time. My spirit is free but what good is that if I've no chance of moving forward...

They've taken Benita away no doubt they want to question us all separately, how much longer are they going to keep me sitting here?


I stand before Dad as he's hoisted up. He has been cuffed tightly so I know he's not going to pull any surprises. They say there is a supposed time and place for everything but right at this minute I know I'll never get another chance to ask, "Dad, before they take you I just need ...please, try and remember."

He looks at me coyly and I swear he knows what's coming.

"Yes? How can I help?" he says with a Royal flourish.

Is it me or do I detect the beginnings of a smirk..."Do YOU know what happened to my mum?"

He smiles playing with me as the Police look on waiting, ready to drag him out and humiliate him...but they still don't get it, Dad's beyond humiliation. I can feel my anger gaining strength,

"Well? Come on after playing second fiddle to Kizzy for all those years the least you can do is tell me if you know anything..."

He clears his throat relishing this new burst of power. He can feel how much this means to me so it's feeding him. "I can't recall..."

"Come on Dad I wasn't born yesterday, she loved you! There must be something you can tell me."

He starts giggling mischievously then turns to face the Cops, "The Thames can hold many secrets."

My blood runs cold, I don't know the ending yet I know it. Speak you Bastard, spill your rancid guts!

Slowly like a puppet in a horror movie, he turns to face me, "Must have been hard on you in a kids' home..."

I nod, " was."

"Well sorry to tell you but she's dead. An unfortunate end but thankfully she was whisked away by the arms of the Thames...A fitting end for a woman of such low morals."

What!? The heat is rushing up between my eyes and I'm blinded by the tears streaming down my face. I charge towards him my hands wrapping around his throat. The Police pull me off and I'm screaming.

"Calm down," I hear them say, "Calm down we've got you, you are safe."

They hold me firmly and I watch as they frog march him out. I don't think I'll ever feel safe. He gives me a crooked smile then he's gone. Watching the back of his head vanish I feel such a loss and know that I will never be clean again.

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