Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


The journey home was long-winded. London as usual was in fine form racing past like a crazy Dali painting...I used to compare it to a Monet. That's a joke! Things move on, people least on the surface. Also, it didn't help that we had to make several vomit stops, I'm surprised the cab driver didn't kick us out, no doubt because B looked hot. A hot sicky Dali mess. Whatever rocks your boat haha.

But for now, we're back in Hammersmith, the town of lost souls. I have faced Phoenix who was grim yet weirdly accepting...fool. At this moment I'm in bed mentally preparing myself for the 'Royal Wedding'...come on sleep! Water is on my table, all that I have to do is let go.

The Wedding.


Today's the day. For once the weather seems to be playing ball. Sunlight streams into my bedroom and I feel my mood lift. I can hear Benita and Phoenix up and about with Lucky, sounds like she's had her bath already. Me? I'm still smarting over how Dante got one over me... I mean I'm a pedestrian these days so what he did was technically sexual assault.

I sit up, this will have to wait as I've got shit to do, a yucky outfit to put on and a wedding to get to.

I nip downstairs. "Good Morning."

Benita looks like she has the hangover from Hell, "Hey."

Phoenix hands her two Nurofren and she gulps them down eagerly.

"What time have we got to be there?" I say while grabbing a coffee.

"11.30. They are very strict about keeping to allocated times." said Phoenix combing his hair.

I kiss Lucky and she beams, "Kiz marry!"

We all laugh, fat chance. I point to the couple, "Mum and Dad marry." She claps her hands and knocks her porridge over, Phoenix rushes to clear it up.

"You want me to dress her for you...fix her hair or something?"

Benita shakes her head, "Na you're good. Just go and get dressed and make sure you look nice ok."

I salute, oh well it doesn't look like anyone's backing out anytime soon. Phoenix looks at Benita, "Talking of which you need to do the same, heard that blushing brides take forever to get ready!"

She gets up delighted to be focusing on herself. I link arms with her and we head upstairs, I give her arm a sisterly squeeze, "So you're really going through with it then?"

She stops and looks at me, "What a dumb thing to say, YES I'm going through with it."

I shrug sensing her tension "Makes no odds to me." I hurry to my room and look at my outfit...ugh Candy Floss Queen... Oh well, here we go.

I dress quickly feeling slightly suffocated... God, she's even bought me pink socks!

I sit down to apply the make-up that she's thoughtfully gifted me...there's lipstick and a gloss yeah you've guessed it pink! She's left them side by side on the dressing table, so no getting away from it.

There's a knock on my door, "Come in." The door pushes open and little Lucky crawls in like a sugar meringue. I lift her high, "And don't you look pretty!"

She laughs and gives me a slobbery kiss on the cheek, "Love you Iz."

I hold her so we are looking eye to eye. Her words have momentarily stunned me, I tell myself to calm the fuck down...she's a baby for God's sake accept the love!" I place her on my bed and begin to pink up my lips, can't stand gloss but what the Diva wants the Diva gets. Lucky bounces up and down shrieking with laughter. If only I had her happy gene.

Not long after I'm ready, if it's not good enough fucking tough. I pick up Lucky and we head downstairs. Passing the mirror on the landing I'm amazed to see that I look good...pretty even. I give a sharp intake of breath and head to the front room.

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