Chapter 37

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Chapter 37.


Well Dad I don't need a reminder thanks!

"He smells," I say lamely.

Benita surprises me by grabbing the other leg, "Come on Kiz... Want him out of this house."

Wow B never fails to surprise me when the going gets tough.

"That's the spirit," says Dad shooting me a look, "Glad there is someone I can rely on around here."

Phoenix looks seething, way to go Dad. We all stand back observing Jed,

"Anyone want to say a few words?" said Dad.

Ha fucking ha, dream on.

He looks from one of us to the other, "Oh well let's roll on then," he says laughing at his own joke.

We all buckle down silently staring at Jed before I suddenly have a light bulb moment. Star seems to have one too as we both edge towards Jed's flapping jacket pocket hanging on the end of the sofa. Jed's fucking gun! I didn't want it to come to this...I try to be subtle smirking inside thinking how Dad's slipping but Star doesn't do subtle she bolts over nearly tripping in the process and just about has time to wrap her tiny hand around it before Dad drags her back by the hair.

She yelps like a puppy and dissolves into tears. She's wasting her time if she thinks he will be moved by that. I watch him swiftly pocket the gun then resume with the rolling as if nothing's happened.

Benita and Phoenix are beyond horrified, they're trying their best to hide it but their trembling knees' give it away. Maybe they've both finally found a common ground.

We all watch Jed disappear squashed like the filling inside a Swiss roll. At the end of it, all that can be seen is feet snugly wrapped in Lilly white socks. None of it seems real and in a sense, I'm kind of angry with myself certain that I should be feeling more emotions than I do but I'm just not capable. Does that make me damaged...who knows but I'm certain that B expects more of me and I just can't give it. I love her as my much as I imagine what love is but I feel as if I have a screen in front of me which won't allow any further progress.

I study Dad, happy as a pig in the proverbial back doing what he loves...with me, his baby girl. I wonder if Phoenix had any real clue just how dangerous Dad is. Doubt it, he's too wrapped up in the happy-ever-after fairy tale, Dad and son together forever with the strongest bond ever known to man!

Even now watching Phoenix attempt to comfort Star I still don't think he fully gets it. The only person that does is me and unless the Police come soon none of it will matter anymore as we'll all be dead.

Star is fucking glaring at B, what a nerve Jesus what did I ever see in her? I gave her a huge chance to keep me as a friend and she's blown it at least ten fucking times. No more chances.

To show and pretend willing I half smile at Dad, may as well keep him sweet...if he trusts me...if he has hope for us then maybe...

Dad smiles back warmly, "Glad to see you've come to your senses and I promise you when we get out of here I will buy you as many dogs are your heart desires."

Get out of here? He's a nut job no one's going anywhere unless the Police arrive. My mind's racing...what's he up to? What's he planning?

Looking at B I wince as she clings tighter to Phoenix, looks like a new box for me might not be too far on the horizon. She's staring at me like I'm a stranger and as far as emotions go I'm telling you it hurts;(

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