Chapter 52.

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Chapter 52.

Star: The Sun interview Part 3

"Her half-sister feels the same way," she finished, confident that she had covered everyone else who was in the house.

Bill looked at his notes, "Ah yes Benita..."

An awkward silence followed before they batted the ball back and forth. Star was tired, she scratched her arms in irritation as he studied her. She resembled a balloon that had lost all its air so he decided to wrap things up. He had a lot of good stuff here, sex, incest, murder...Jesus what more could he ask for?

"I gather you haven't seen Kizzy since her Father's capture..."

She shook her head sadly.

"What would you say to her now if you had the chance?"

The sadness vanished and she gave an uneasy smile, "That's a no-brainer, I'd tell her I'm waiting and I'll always love her..."

"Starlight Velvet Thank you." He switches the tape off.

Then she was ushered into another room for the photo session. Normally she would have been in her element but at the back of her mind Kizzy was waiting to spring and she knew that sooner or later she would have some explaining to do. She laughed nervously thinking that she would be lucky if she kept her head on her shoulders. Her card was marked no doubt about it.

Star eyed the clothes that they had requested she change into and sighed thinking that it took some skill to do slutty and frumpy at the same time. She hoped that she wasn't going to end up being the laughingstock. Her mind floated to Jed and she wiped away stray tears.

After her face was made up they directed her where to stand and began clicking away. Pretty soon she forgot about any immediate fears and fell into the required poses, shy, alluring, sad, sex siren. She gave them her all and just prayed that they would run with a decent picture.

"Beautiful Star, Can we just see a touch more cleavage...not too much now."

She obliged all the while wondering why a victim of crime would have to do this...They snapped away and ran a wind machine threw her hair. She prayed without true belief that Kizzy would forgive her and for a split second felt a smidgeon of shame. However, she decided to go with it and make the most of the attention, use the sympathy while she had it, and hopefully things would all work out.

After the shoot, she had a glass of Champagne and headed back to her hotel room all prepaid compliments of the Sun. For today she was someone.

"Excuse me..." said a couple in the foyer "Aren't you that Starlight Velvet?"

She nodded sweetly.

"Any chance of a photo with my wife?" asked the man eyeing her up and down.

"Of course," beamed Star. Maybe this would not be as bad as she had thought.

Kizzy 3 Days later.

There's something in the air. I'm strolling to work and bear in mind that Soho's always teaming...well still is but today there seems to be a watchful hush like the whole world has stopped and held its breath. I don't get spooked easily but there's a definite vibe.

On the home front things are actually good. Who'd have thought it, me, B, and Phoenix working as a team! Just goes to show that you never know what's around the corner. I walk past Jack's fruit stall he smiles giving his usual salute. As I pass he shouts after me, "Have you seen the sun yet?"

I stop dead and swing around, I knew this was on the horizon but the news stuns me. Pulling myself together I shake my head and carry on walking doing a quick detour to the news kiosk.

"Morning Miss, see you've made the hot news!"

I pay for the paper and hurry towards the Bakery, What the fuck...

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