Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


If I was to ever contemplate the M word then the guy would have to agree to all my rules...and believe me, there would be many. 1, 100% no sex if you've pissed me off...or if I'm fed up, miserable, whatever, it's fair enough isn't it?

I'm just about to leave for work when Benita calls. I know that tone...wait for it...

"Kiz can you take Lucky for me...begging! I've got some wedding stuff to sort out."

God, it's not a fucking royal wedding Jesus, but I smile, "Of course, have you packed her bag?"

"Yeah, it's already in the buggy."

She turns away and starts shuffling some papers.

"You ok?" I ask.

She nods, "Yeah just stressed about the big day."

I put Lucky in her buggy, she looks adorable in her ladybug coat, and then I head for the front door. I walk quickly to the tube all the while thinking 'Who's kid is this?' beginning to feel like she's mine!

On the tube Lucky starts to cry so I stuff the dummy in her mouth giving her a thumbs up. She settles straight away gazing at me, all big eyes and questioning as if she's sussed me right out. I think of Dante and his ridiculous gold teeth...gorgeous smile. Oh for fucks sake! I always thought that I was devoid of any sexual feelings but something's lingering with him. I kind of love and hate it.

He's playing with me at the minute and I don't like it. At Piccadilly I exited the station after perfecting my helpless mother look. 2 guys had rushed to take the other end of the buggy and help me up the steps. To Lucky it's all thrilling, that kid beams at everyone going.

I point out my favorite hot spots of Soho which seems to have her riveted. She's already an old dear trapped in a baby's body. Everyone who smiles at her is just an extra boost to her already fabulous mood.

We pass the corner where I first met Star and I cloud over. The Bakery is just ahead, "Ok Pudding let's get to work."

She leans forward already knowing where she's going. I unlock the door picking up the mail as I go. The bills I toss to one side for Benita but a smaller envelope catches my eye. It's not addressed to anyone so I rip it open. The words I LOVE YOU stare back. It's amazing how such beautiful words can have such a sinister undertone. I look out the window...where the fuck is Dante hiding out? And what's going to happen next...I don't want to get rid of him but if I have to I will.

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