Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


What the absolute fuck! Does he think I've got time for cat and mouse games? Thinking about it that's all I've got time for, I HAVE to get Lucky back.

A Policeman strolls past and for a split second, I'm tempted to stop and tell him everything...but I don't operate like that. I'm going to keep going and bring her home.

The bustle from London is suddenly chilling I can see no beauty or contentment. Everyone and everything is dangerous. I feel as if I'm being choked.


She sobbed into her coffee cup. The Tower of London search had proved fruitless. The Police were now saying that it was a hoax, after all, you got all sorts of weirdos come forward when an abduction or murder occurred. A poor man and his daughter had been wrongly pounced on by plain clothes officers, and all that he was doing was enjoying a day out with his little girl. He was understandably furious.

Benita sat like stone, watching the news her hopes slashed in two. Phoenix came in and joined her. "Have faith B, we'll get her back I promise."

She looked at him tearfully, "But when...what if she's dead...what then?"

He looked away having no idea what to say. He felt like the worst husband ever.


The Hotel is busy. No matter what time of day the grander ones always are. I remember standing outside with Gayle years ago in the hope of glimpsing The Kids from Fame who were staying there at the time. We never did see them but we did see their bus!

Now the place looks sinister. I walk up to the main entrance...surely he can't mean here? it's way too packed. I look frantically at all the cabs going in and out and start to walk away. A white van pulls up over the road and blasts its horn. I look away and it gets louder, more insistent...then I see him.

Dante sitting cool as a cucumber behind the wheel... Jesus, he's got some fucking front!

I hurry across the road and he smiles as if we're long- lost friends, "Get in," he says.

I open the door and slide in just as if I was getting into a punter's car all those years ago. He drives off and I look behind me, no one there. "Where's Lucky? What have you done with her?"

He doesn't answer...ok the silent treatment, I try again, "Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere safe."

Ah he speaks...

"Can you be more specific?"

"Not at the moment."

Silence again, I should feel scared but I'm actually getting quite relaxed. I'll get Lucky, hopefully kill him and that will be that...won't it? I mean I've faced a lot worse.

I see a Police car sail by and wonder if I should do the sensible thing and just make a run for it...but I've never been one for sense. If there's an easy way or a hard way I'll always go for the second option, it's hereditary, I just can't help myself.

Staring straight ahead I watch him from the side...funny I don't recall him being so quiet, anyone would think he was nervous...haha don't blame him after all I am going to slit his throat, but for now I'll just enjoy the ride. 

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