Untitled Part 3

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Chapter 3.

The familiar sounds of city life thunder over Waterloo Bridge, it's not quite light but I always enjoy this time. The peace is like a warm hug. Podge snores and dribbles on the pillow and I kiss his nose, inhaling the smell.

I get up and stretch, while mentally forming a 'to-do' list for the day ahead. First stop is the station for a quick wee. Podge always needs a walk and the takings from the night before have to be transferred from my tin into my locker at Victoria Station. The two shoe boxes are fattening up with cash. I like to think of them as 'The Bank of Kizzy'. I never stress about the money going missing, as I'm the only one that has a key and it never leaves the safety of my neck.

Podge waits expectantly, tail wagging and lead in mouth.

"Come on then let's see what the world's got in store for us today."

He barks loudly and some bleary-eyed faces' poke their heads out of nearby makeshift homes.

"Shut that bloody dog up!"

Someone throws an empty milk carton but I see it coming and duck. I smirk while fastening the lead, whistling as I walk away thinking of the day that I'll finally live in my mansion.

Once we reach the end of the bridge we break into a run. It's a kind of ritual, a way of cleansing all the filth from the night before. During daylight, I feel like a normal kid, only one that lives without rules and I love it.

Victoria Station is swarming with commuters. They resemble angry flies, racing ahead, pushing, shoving, no regard for anyone but themselves. I watch them while sitting on the pavement and wonder how many have ever used girls like me. Experience has long taught me never to judge a book by its cover. Behind the mask of respectability there nearly always lurks a murky darkness. Some guy drops some change at my feet and I give him a big smile.

"Hey Thanks!"

He sighs loudly while shaking his head. "Go home to your parents."

"They're dead."

I always need the last word. A few people look at me warily, no doubt assuming that I'm on drugs. I get up and walk inside the station, pulling Podge tightly to avoid him being trampled. The luggage lockers stand rigid to attention like security guards. I remove the key from my neck and open the vault. Looking each way I quickly transfer the money from my jacket into the boxes. I pat the contents softly feeling reassured that my path to a new life is growing. I slam the door catching a glimpse of my face as a ray of light illuminates my reflection. I'm not too keen on who looks back. I look rough as Hell and fine lines that I'd never noticed before seem to smirk in agreement.

Exiting the station I notice a billboard with the message 'Time waits for no one' There is a before and after picture of a girl that looks all of twelve, mouthing 'Fight back, don't let wrinkles take control' Horrified, I push the thought from my mind and walk on.

After a much-needed wash I decide to take Podge to Hyde Park. The day is overcast, which puts me in a bad mood. It's no fun pounding the streets if it rains. I've also got my box to worry about. It's undercover ....but for how long?

I throw a stick to Podge and race towards the river laughing. He barks at some ducks' and I flop down onto the grass. Glancing ahead I notice someone slumped on a bench who looks familiar. Leaping to my feet I walk towards the sleeping body grinning. Musical snores drift from her mouth while a manicured hand tightly clutches a miniature Brandy.

'Wake up!"

The body jerks violently, "Whaaat?"

Lulu's eyes burst open and she jumps up instinctively, while I fall to the ground in hysterics.

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