Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Kizzy: one week later.

I stare out of my bedroom window and try to lose myself in the night. Somehow I always feel calmer when darkness falls it's like a reassuring hug without the hug if that makes any sense. B is still pregnant, for the life of me, I don't know what she's dithering about...I mean fuck it how hard can it be to make a decision? When I look at her I can see her ageing before my very eyes, she looks awful and dare I say a little podgy...I know I'm not being as sympathetic as she wants but deep down I really just want the best for her.

My eyes focus on the softly lit street corners and I imagine that I see Lulu and Gale waving and I wonder what they'd have to say about all this. Ha no brainer, no one wants to be lumbered with a kid. My eyes continue to scan the road then stop as my heartbeat quickens. Bloody Phoenix! The wanderer returns. For fucks sake I'd hoped that I'd seen the last of him. I watch him skulk towards the house. He looks down and out dodgy, evil, whatever you want to call it. I wish he'd just piss off and die.

Poor Bs been in bed nearly all week, and interaction from her has been fleeting in between long crying bouts, it's like she's lost, locked up inside her misery and there's nothing I can do to get her out. Todd would never have stood for this, no way! he'd have all this shit sorted out like yesterday. Nothing or no one would come between him and his family. I feel a heavy responsibility but unfortunately Bs not playing ball... neither is shithead.

I hear his key in the lock and B shoot out of bed, wow amazing! He bounds up the stairs and they smack together like magnets. She's crying again, I press my ear up against the door, he's sorry... yeah right, so where the fuck's he been then? My heart sinks knowing that she will accept his bullshit. The bedroom door closes... I've lost for the moment. I sit on the bed and my mind switches back to the creepy silent phone calls we've been getting, very weird but I'm determined not to let them get to me.


Jed walked out of the bathroom and Star did a double take, "Your hair..."

"Gone," said Jed grimly, "They'll be coming for us sooner or later, we can't stay here."

"But babe...the business, my stuff...where are we supposed to go?"

He sat her down and held her face firmly, "That's where you come in."

She paled, suddenly feeling very sick, "I don't understand..."

He frowned trying his utmost not to lose it.

"Think back, where did you get to that time you did a vanishing act?"

Her heart lurched,' Kizzy, he was expecting her to take him there'. She smiled as brightly as she could muster, "I really don't remember, there's been so many places."

He tightened his grip and stared menacingly into her eyes, "Oh I think you know exactly what I mean."

Tears slid quickly down her cheeks, she couldn't betray her only friend. "I swear I've forgotten, honest I wouldn't lie to you."

Staring into his face she knew this wouldn't be accepted he seemed to have a radar into her soul, untruths were always found out.

Dropping her face in disgust he marched into the bathroom and she just about had time to exhale before he came charging back out with his gun pointed straight at her face.

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