Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

Kizzy 24 hrs later.

Still no baby! God can't imagine how she must be feeling. This all takes slow to a new dimension and from what I hear now they're going to do a C-section. I've been awake all night in between dropping off and still hearing her screams.

I give her obligatory pats on the hand and lots of 'there, there' as well as praying and willing this baby to arrive like yesterday.

B looks terrified and quite frankly I don't blame her. Phoenix is on his way as he will be going into the operating theatre with her. Me? I'll be happy to pace outside like an expectant Dad.

The nurse comes in all smiles ready to prepare her for surgery. Her manner is brisk and no-nonsense.

Come on baby!

Phoenix arrives and I let him know what's happening, he looks worried so I hug him, "It will all be fine ok."

He looks at me all ashen and I hope that I haven't given him false hope.

Benita is wheeled past on the trolley and Phoenix rushes out all dressed in scrubs. I follow behind waving as the doors close, "Break a leg B!"

Shit...why did I say that?

30 minutes later I hear a tiny squeak, not long after Phoenix comes out crying, "It's a girl."

What? I was sure it was going to be a boy but never mind...I guess.

"Lucky," I say laughing, "Little Lucky."

Before we leave for the night Phoenix takes me to the baby unit and proudly points her out.

I peer at the little scrunched-up face, she has stubborn lips which make me love her even more.

I pop my head into Bs ward to say goodnight but she's well out of it floating away to LA-LA land. Phoenix and I both head home feeling like the sky has covered us in fluffy clouds. Jesus, I'm an auntie and my brother is a Dad! WOW who'd ever have thought?

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