Untitled Part 7

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Chapter 7

A strong sunlight filters through the curtain. I yawn and stretch as Podge leans over and licks my face.

London is already up and about, racing along, coffee in hands, pastry in the other. Lego people ready for another day. As the trains race overhead I smile smugly thinking how lucky I am. Independence is a beautiful thing.

I smell the half carton of milk from the previous day, before gulping it down. Tossing the rubbish into my carrier bag I empty the takings from my tin and stuff them into my jeans. Podge barks shaking his lead excitedly.

I step outside into the sunshine and beam. It will be a good day. Even the sight of J.J asleep in his own puke can't dampen my spirits. J.J is a wino who sleeps nearby. When he's sober he's a great security guard, sadly it's a rare occurrence. I screw my face up as I walk past him, he stinks to high Heaven. His legs jerk in a spasm so I take that as a good sign. When he sobers up he'll no doubt reach for the nearest bottle.

Victoria Station.

After slamming my locker shut, and double-checking that it's secure I head towards Hyde Park to walk Podge. On days like this, I feel light-hearted and content. I look up at the sky and smile at its beauty. It will take a lot to dampen my spirits today.

I delight in my youth, the way I can live life on the edge and still rise at dawn looking as fresh as a Daisy. I'm aware that I'm lucky, but I also know that luck eventually runs out as age sucks away at beauty without mercy leaving nothing but a withered flower. Deep down I know that my time will come but now is my moment and I'll cling to it for as long as I can.

Walking along I study passers-by and wonder how many are who they appear to be. The men for instance, all suited and booted, to the naked eye respectable but I know different. Even the ladies, tottering along in their high heels, coffee cups held in manicured hands are all just part of a long drawn out play, full of rules and expectations which I've got no desire to be part of.

I carry on walking up to Park Lane which is teaming with people. No one gives me a second glance. Stopping by a car showroom I whistle at the gleaming red Porche and imagine racing away with Gale. A harassed salesman hurries out shooing me away.

"Get away from the window. No loitering."

I give him the finger and slowly walk on. My stomach growls and I think about heading to Soho for breakfast. Podge is easy with any decision as he's in no hurry to go back to camp box.

Lulu sits in Leicester Square having coffee. She does this most mornings as it's great for people-watching and occasionally picking up an early bird client. She has the Times newspaper folded primly by her side which she never reads but thinks it gives a good impression.

"Kiz Wiz!"

"Hey Lu what's up?"

"Just grabbing breakfast before work, want to join me?"

Lulu looks down at Podge who is wagging his tail. "And this must be the famous Podge."

She bends down to kiss him and he rolls over enjoying the new attention.

"What a darling."

"Yeah he's pretty cute," I agree, "And loyal too."

Lulu nods, "I'd bet."

"Seen anything of Gale?"

Lulu shakes her head while applying a fresh coat of mascara. "No Sweetie, he's a strange one...a junkie you know."

I frown. "He's not like that all the time."

Lulu raises an eyebrow and shakes her head

"Sweet pea he's as stoned as they come. He'd rip you off as quick as look at you."

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