Chapter 26.

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Chapter 26.

I don't know how long has passed but Phoenix seems to be coming to. Benita is fussing over him like a mother hen...hey, I know we're in a crisis here but it's making me feel a little queasy. She's cradling his head like it's a fucking baby...jeez.

Star is trying her best to bring some light into the room, talking shit, but no one's listening. Even the dogs are subdued, guard dogs they're not!

"So Jed, how long are you planning on hanging around?"

He looks at me like I've no right to ask the question but come on! I'm still reeling from my Dad's call. I need some clarity around here.

"Hopefully not too long," pipes up Star, "Just until we get our head in the right place."

I look at her deadpan, "And how long do you think that'll be?"

Star looks at Jed nervously.

"How long's a piece of string?" he says miserably picking at a thread on his sleeve.

God was that a stab of regret...Surely pimp face hasn't got s conscience? Ha, no chance! I decide to push it, Kizzy's not left me after all.

"So seems like the Police are closing in on you..."

Star looks at me pleadingly.

"Shut your fucking mouth."

My heartbeat quickens but I can't leave it, Kizzy won't let me. "You must be shitting yourself, let me see it's a definite life sentence for murder and you need to add on pimping, assault, and whatever else you've been up that's a lot of time."

I just about have a moment to gather my breath before he comes charging towards me.

"I said shut your FUCKING bitch mouth."

He grabs the back of my hair and yanks it back. I don't even flinch.

"No Jed," said Star jumping from her seat.

I eye signal for her to sit, it will take a lot more than hair-pulling to scare me. I know I should fear him but now I've spent a few hours in his presence I don't. He's not so tough, he's a fucking bully. I've met a lot more scarier guys than him in my time. My Dad's face springs to mind and I annoy myself by smiling.

"Hey!" shouts Benita, "Can someone help me sit Phoenix up?" She turns to Star "Can you get me some water and paper towels he's bleeding."

Star gets up immediately not waiting for the okay from Jed. Inside I cheer.

"What happened?" mumbled Phoenix looking around in confusion.

We all turn to him, "An accident," I say,

"You tripped," says Benita,

"I whacked you one," said Jed.

Phoenix looks at us one by one in bewilderment wondering if this is some kind of sick joke. I feel that I'm reading his mind,

"It's no joke Phoenix this shit is real...cowboys and Indians and all that."

Phoenix straight away attempts to stand and Benita pulls him back, "No babe don't there's no point."


Matthew was not happy, wondering who the Hell the obnoxious little prick was that had interrupted such a beautiful moment with his precious little girl. He had finally got past her ridiculous huff with him and the joy had consumed his heart until someone decided to ruin it. He scratched his neck hard feeling a need to break through the skin all the while praying that wasn't her new boyfriend. Just the thought sent sharp sparks stabbing through him.

Breathing deeply he sat down. He was so over this prison lark and it was playing havoc with his mental health.

He picked up his phone and then threw it back down. He would try again tomorrow. There had to be a solution to this, it was dreadfully upsetting. He wiped away a silent tear feeling extremely sorry for his predicament. Life could be horribly unfair.

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