A Christmas Miracle

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Author's Note: Happy two days until Christmas! I hope you guys have a awesome holiday, and I'll be back on Monday :)

One shots (Namjin):

Seokjin and Namjoon couldn't have children.

They were a young married couple who were living in the suburbs of a big city, facing hardships in their life.

The older male- who was an alpha- worked as a sales representative at an electronics company, working overtime just so he could support himself and his husband.

The younger male, on the other hand, was unemployed, staying home all day, due to the fact that he suffered from clinical depression.

He couldn't have children.

He was infertile, meaning that his dreams of raising a family with his husband were shattered in front of his eyes, causing him to do nothing but cry all day, while lying in bed.

They still tried for a child periodically of course, but that just made everything worse for the young couple, who had no choice but to accept the fact that they couldn't have children.

They would never be parents.

Life went on though, and the young couple tried their best to move past everything, doing their best to make their relationship stronger.

Which brings us to the start of today's story.


It's been three years since they found out that they couldn't have children, and not much has changed for the young couple.

The older male was still working overtime just to take care of both himself and his husband, being the breadwinner of the family.

He was paying their bills, along with their rent, and was also paying for the younger males medication, which was the only thing keeping him alive at the moment.

He had horrible mental health, meaning that he was always degrading himself, blaming himself for the fact that he couldn't have children.

That was, until something happened.

About nine months ago, the older male started noticing some changes within the personality of his husband.

For example, the younger male started gaining weight, and was eating a lot more, mainly bananas which he used to hate.

He was also a lot happier, smiling a lot more, along with talkative, always chatting his husband's ear off.

Which he didn't mind, but he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.

That was why he took the younger male to the doctors one day, making an appointment with his physiologist, who also prescribed his medications.

She examined him for a couple of minutes, before taking some blood samples, and leaving the room for only a couple of seconds.

"I don't know how this is possible," she told the two of them that morning, keeping her tone of voice calm, while surprising them with her words.

"But it looks like you're pregnant."

To say that they were surprised would be an understatement.

"But you told me that I'm infertile," the younger male just stated, keeping his golden hazel eyes on his doctor, while grabbing his husband's hand.

"You are infertile, Namjoon, meaning that this shouldn't be possible. But, for some reason, it is."

"How far along is he?" His husband asked that time, continuing to hold onto the younger males hand, sensing how nervous he was.

"Ten weeks by the looks of it."

"And the due date?"

She looked at her chart for a brief moment, before looking back up, making eye contact with both of them.

"The end of December," she said after that, keeping a small smile on her face, knowing that this was everything that the young couple dreamed of.

"By the looks of it, they're going to be your little Christmas miracle."

They left the appointment with smiles on their faces, walking hand in hand towards the car, excited about the future for once in their lives.

They couldn't wait to meet their child.


On December 24, their son, Milo, was born.

He was a sweet child with tan skin, and black hair, along with golden hazel eyes, looking like a mixture of both his parents.

He also had dimples in his cheeks, matching his younger father perfectly, and it was safe to say that the young couple absolutely adored him.

They showered him in love often, and never let him out of their sight, knowing how fragile newborns could be.

They also knew that he would be their only- and last- child, but they didn't mind, finding themselves spending the Holidays with him.

They couldn't wait to show him off to their parents, and show them that- even though they weren't religious people- God really was watching over them.

Their son really was their Christmas miracle.


It wasn't until a week later, when they were finally able to bring their son home from the hospital.

Their house was beautifully decorated for the holidays, consisting of a giant artificial Christmas tree that was standing in the corner of the living room.

It was decorated with ornaments, and was lit up with colorful lights, creating a festive atmosphere across their apartment.

They wanted everything to be festive, since this would be their first Christmas with a newborn.

And they just couldn't wait to celebrate.

They were opening presents in the living room that morning, sitting silently, while enjoying their time together.

Their son- who was only a week old at this point- was sitting on the younger males lap, holding a baby rattle in his hand, shaking it periodically.

There was a smile on his face, and his eyes looked back and forth between his parents, who couldn't stop looking at him.

They couldn't believe that they were parents- after years of hearing that they'll never have children, they almost started to believe that.

They still had hope though, especially since they had dreams of starting a family, and growing old together.

And, finally after years of being told that would never happen, they finally had someone to love and cherish, and raise together.

They had their son.

"It's from your mother," his husband said, keeping his tone of voice calm, while interrupting him from his thoughts.

"Baby clothes that she knitted herself."

They both looked at the newborn after he said those words, smiles on their faces as they watched their son play with the rattle, dressed in a light blue onesie with yellow ducks on it.

Everything was perfect for the young couple, and they couldn't have been any happier. 

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