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One shots (Taejoon);

🎤 One night and one more time, thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great.

He tastes like you, only sweeter.

One night, yeah, and one more time, thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories.

See, he tastes like you, only sweeter. 🎤

It started when Taehyung caught his girlfriend cheating on him.

They were in a club that night, celebrating their third anniversary together.

Or at least that was what he thought they were doing, until he saw his girlfriend making out with some random guy on the dance floor.


That definitely wasn't what the young man, who was only in his early twenties, signed up for that evening.

He found himself a seat at the bar, ordering something strong, so he could get drunk, forgetting about what he just witnessed with his girlfriend.

And it wasn't long until he became tipsy, his thoughts getting cloudy, the noise around him becoming a giant blur.

He noticed that someone sat down besides him at the bar- an older man, who looked about a year or two older than him.

He had chestnut brown hair, which was messy on top of his head, and his golden hazel eyes were looking at the younger male with an unreadable expression.

"Rough night?" He asked him, ordering a whiskey, his eyes continuing to look at the male who was sitting besides him.

His black hair was styled neatly on top of his head, and his brown eyes were focused on the alcoholic drink that was sitting on the counter in front of him.

Taehyung just shrugged in response, ignoring the way the older male was studying him, too embarrassed to say anything.

In fact, it was making him a little uncomfortable, especially since he wasn't attracted to men in that way.

But he didn't say anything, just continued to sip his alcoholic drink in silence, letting the other man look at him with lust in his eyes.

"I'm Namjoon," the older male said, when he realized that his seat mate wasn't going to say anything.

His voice was calm, and friendly, like he was trying to be as polite as possible, not wanting to make the younger male any more uncomfortable.

And he probably was as that was just his personality; besides, he's always been an understanding person, especially when it came to meeting new people.

"Taehyung," the younger male replied, his voice soft but still noticeable over the loud music of the club, starting to get more comfortable around the other male.

Especially now that his golden hazel eyes stopped looking at him, focused on

the whiskey glass in front of him instead.

There was silence between the two males, a comfortable one; the two men using that time to finish their alcoholic drinks, different agendas on their mind.

The youngest of the two males was trying to get drunk so he could forget what he witnessed that evening- reminding himself that he needed to talk to his girlfriend as soon as possible.

While the other one was trying to be lenient with his drink, due to the fact that he drove there that night, having no plans to get drunk.

Besides, he was only at the club that night to celebrate his older brother's promotion, even though he wasn't interested in women.

It was men that he was interested in, but because he wanted to be supportive towards Seokjin, he went anyway, even though he would've preferred going to a gay club instead.

But because his brother was straight and had a girlfriend, that wasn't an option.

And it wasn't until he noticed Taehyung sitting at the bar alone when he decided to interact with other people, instead of hanging around his brother and his girlfriend all night.

Which was how he ended up drinking whiskey at the bar in silence, giving the younger man time to think.

The silence lasted a couple more minutes, until the youngest of the two males spoke up, embarrassing himself even more.

"I'm not gay," he blurted out, his brown eyes making contact with the older males golden hazel ones for the first time that night.

The slight smile that was on Namjoon's face faded at those words, but he remained calm and composed, taking another sip of his whiskey, until it was empty.

"I figured," he replied, placing his empty glass down onto the counter, looking away from the younger male.

"I may have noticed everything that went down between you and your girlfriend."

He placed a ten dollar bill down onto the counter, before getting up, ready to find his older brother and his girlfriend, and tell them that he was going to head home.

But, before he could get very far, though, he felt a hand touch his arm, before a pair of lips met his.

The kiss was anything but passionate, both males tasting like their alcoholic drinks, along with something that stood out to Taehyung.

Vanilla chapstick maybe?

Whatever it was though, reminded him of the kind that his girlfriend wore, which was duller in comparison to this flavor.

This flavor was sweeter; sweeter than his girlfriend's chapstick flavor, which was something that the younger male never tasted before.

But maybe that was because he didn't wear flavored chapstick.

The two men pulled away, after a couple minutes of making out, their faces flushed and red in color.

The older males golden hazel eyes were wide from shock, not expecting that to happen.

In fact, he was fine with the rejection, not really looking for a romantic relationship anyways.

While the younger male found himself embarrassed again, especially since he threw himself at the other man, after rejecting him.

And, to make things worse, the kiss activated something that Taehyung never felt towards a man before.


"Want to go somewhere," he asked the older male, the both of them continuing to stand in front of the bar, not seeming to care that they were in other people's way.

"Like on a date, maybe."

He made eye contact with Namjoon's golden hazel eyes, watching as a smile appeared on his face, a pair of dimples appearing.

"I would like that," he replied, reaching into his pants pocket, pulling out a small piece of paper.

"Here's my cell phone number. Call me."

He walked away after that, leaving the younger male alone by the bar, shocked by his actions.

Taehyung couldn't help but smile, no longer regretting coming to the club in the first place.

I mean, he was still upset by his girlfriend cheating, but he was also looking forward to his date with Namjoon.

And, sure, he may not have been gay, but he knew that feelings could develop over time, leaving him with hope.

Hope that he can finally move on for good. 

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