Ice Cream Cake

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Author's Note: I decided not to submit my book to the Watty Awards this year (Imma do that next year) so I'm going to continue updating my book like normal. I'm just going to update once a day from now one, until I reach my goal for this book. Thank you :)

One shots (Namjin):

🎤 Lalalalala, lalalala.

Lalalalala, lalalala, lalalalala.

Please give me that sweet taste, ice cream cake.

With a flavor that fits this special day.

The ice cream that's on my mouth, makes your heart pound, and you'll come to me.

It's so tasty.

Come and chase me.

I can't hold it in.

I scream, you scream.

Gimme that, gimme that, ice cream. 🎤

The ice cream parlor was silent that morning, located in the quiet suburbs of Los Angeles, California.

It had turquoise blue walls with neon signs in the shape of ice cream cones, along with black and white tiled floors- creating an old fashioned style ice cream shop.

It was empty that morning, besides the two males who were sitting across from each other at a table in the back of the shop.

The older male had black hair, along with dark brown eyes, and was dressed in a casual outfit; his cell phone in his back pocket.

Now, the younger male, on the other hand, had chestnut brown hair, along with golden hazel eyes, wearing a similar outfit to the other male.

His sunglasses were sitting folded on top of the table, and they were sharing a piece of ice cream cake between them.

They were Seokjin and Namjoon Kim: two of the most famous males in all of the country,

The ravenette haired male was a professional wedding photographer, charging expensive prices for his services.

The brunette haired male, however, was a former child actor, playing one of the lead roles of the sitcom "Rainy Days," which ran from 2010, until 2016 when it ended suddenly.

And no one knew why it ended- just knew that he was able to stay out of the spotlight for the past six years.

Which hasn't been easy- especially since he was still considered famous.

But he was able to raise his son out of the public spotlight, having the help from his fiancé, Seokjin.

Yes, you heard that correctly, dear readers.

The former child star had a son.

He was only seventeen when his son, Thomas, was born, which was one reason why he left the sitcom- he wanted to focus more on raising his son.

He was Seokjin's biological son, since the two males were highschool sweethearts- hence why they were currently engaged at only twenty three years old.

In fact, he just finished writing a book titled "Rainy Days: My Experience Working On An Award Winning Show," which would highlight the true reason behind why he left the show.

I mean, he was only eleven when the show started, meaning that he missed out on having a normal childhood.


"Everything okay?" His fiancé, Seokjin, asked him, keeping his tone of voice calm, while taking another bite of the ice cream cake.

"I'm just thinking, that's all."

His tone of voice was quiet, and he avoided eye contact with his fiancé, continuing to push the ice cream cake around on the plate.

It was slowly melting- in the hot summer heat- but neither male minded, since they were enjoying their time together.

They actually met at that same ice cream shop back in highschool, meaning that they spent lots of time there.

They even brought their son, Thomas, with them sometimes, since the six year old absolutely loves ice cream cake- just like his parents.

"About what?"

"My book. I don't know if I should publish it or not."

There was silence between them, and the older male looked at his fiancé, trying his best to make eye contact.

But when he couldn't, he just sighed, before setting his silverware next to the plate, continuing to look at the young male.

"I think you should, Namjoon. I mean, you've already finished writing it- plus, I enjoyed it when I read it."

The brunette haired male just shrugged, before finishing the last of the ice cream cake, knowing that he was allowed to.

"I don't know, Jin," he replied, swallowing the last bit of cake, before making eye contact with the older male for the first time that morning.

"What if my fans don't like it?"

"They accepted our engagement, didn't they?"

He tried to keep his tone of voice lightweight with his words, but just frowned when his fiancé continued staring straight ahead.

"They'll enjoy it, Joon," he said again, reaching across the table to grab the younger males hand, using his thumb to rub circles onto the back of it.

"I know they will. Besides, they'll finally understand the truth behind why you left the show in the first place."

They made eye contact, and he just leaned back in his chair; a small smile on his face.

The younger male, Namjoon, never smiled back though, and just continued to look at his fiancé with a frown on his face.

"Do you think they'll accept our son, Jin? If I publish this book, this will be the first time we're introducing him to the public, instead of just our friends and family."

There was a tense silence after that, and the ravenette haired male used that time to think over his words wisely.

He wanted to take his time, after all.

Eventually though- after what felt like a couple minutes- he answered his fiancés question, keeping his words honest.

"I think they'll hate him at first, especially since we- you- kept him out of the public spotlight for years.

But I think that eventually they'll come around; it'll probably just take some time."

He noticed a soft smile appear on the younger males face, and he breathed out a sigh of relief, accepting those words.

"And this is why I'm marrying you, Seokjin," he stated, before the two of them entered into a fit of laughter.

They left the ice cream shop after that, before walking hand and hand down the sidewalk- in no rush to get home.

I mean, their son was with the younger males parents that morning, meaning that they had the whole day to themselves.

And they were going to make the most of it. 

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