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Trigger Warning: Mentions of an abusive relationship, please read at your own risk. Thank you :)

One shots (Namjin):

🎤 I see swimming pools and living rooms, and airplanes.

I see a little house on the hill, and children's names.

I see quiet nights poured over ice and take-away.

But everything is shattering, and it's my mistake.

Only fools fall for you, only fools.

Only fools do what I do, only fools fall.

Only fools fall for you, only fools.

Only fools do what I do, only fools fall. 🎤

Namjoon Kim was in an abusive relationship.

It started sometime after his husband was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, explaining his rapid mood swings, and uncontrollable anger.

He became abusive shortly after that, isolating the younger male from their friends and family, who believed that they were happily in love.

I mean, it's been five years since their wedding- which was one of the happiest days of their lives, ending with passionate love making.

They were happy back then, madly in love with each other, excited to start a new chapter of their lives together.

But now however, they were stuck in a loveless relationship, one that was toxic and abusive.

The younger male couldn't breathe- he always felt miserable and suffocated, living unhappily with the person that he was in love with.

What happened that made their marriage so miserable?

He was lying in bed that morning, listening to the soft breathing of his husband, Seokjin, who was asleep next to him, his arm dangling off the edge of the bed.

His golden hazel eyes were looking at his right hand, which was playing with his wedding ring, thinking over the last couple years of his life.

He tried to get his parents involved in his marriage, telling them all about the daily abuse that he suffered at the hands of his husband.

But they never believed him.

"Seokjin will never hurt you," they just told him, keeping their tone of voice calm, while showing that they didn't believe him.

"He loves you so much, Namjoon."

He was always innocent in the eyes of his in-laws, known as this nice guy, who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Meaning that his parents continued overlooking their relationship- believing that they were madly in love.

Which they were at some point, but now they weren't.

They were unhappy together, or at least the younger male was, but he would never admit that.

His thoughts were interrupted by his husband's alarm going off, and he pretended to be fast asleep, not ready for the early morning sex.

That never happened though, but he did feel the older male get out of bed, cold air breaking into the warmth of the blankets.

He just adjusted the blanket over himself, listening as his husband got ready for work, trying his best not to wake him up.

BTS One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz