America's Suithearts

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of sexual assault, and racism. If any of these bother you, please skip to the next part. 

  One shots (Namjoon):

🎤 Let's hear it for America's Suitehearts.

But I must confess, I'm in love with my own sins.

Let's hear it for America's Suitehearts.

But I must confess, I'm in love with my own sins. 🎤

The year is 1957 in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The morning sun was shining down onto the city that was bursting with life; adults trying to get to work, teenagers to school, etc.

Located in the suburbs of the city was a neighborhood; a quiet neighborhood that was home to middle class houses, each identical to one another.

They were all two story houses, which were made out of brick and wood- home to white people, as this particular neighborhood was a white one.

Or at least that was what people believed.

It was on the corner of the neighborhood where our story takes place, a sixteen year old boy was sitting in the backyard of the two story house.

He had chestnut brown hair, and golden hazel eyes, which were blinded by the morning sunlight.

His tan skin sparkled brown in the sunlight, and he was wearing a blue and white striped polo shirt, along with tan colored trousers, with brown shoes.

The teenager's name was Namjoon Kim.

He lived in the suburbs of Little Rock, Arkansas with his grandparents, mother, and older half brother, Seokjin.

All of which were white, and you may be wondering what I mean by this.

Well, the young teenager was the only mixed raced person in his family.

His mother was white, but his father on the other hand was black.

Yes, my dear readers, you heard that correctly.

His father was black.

That was why his grandparents always favored his half brother over him.

I mean, Little Rock was one of the most racist cities in all of the South, so that made sense when you thought about it.

Even his mother treated him like he was a mistake, and he probably was, since mixed race children were looked down upon.

Which was one reason why he was hidden away inside the house, because his family, mainly his mother and grandparents, didn't want their neighbors to see him.

He was a disgrace in their eyes, and he always will be.

Now he wasn't really sure what his half brother thought of him- they were only two years apart, and had the same mother but different fathers.

Seokjin's father was actually involved in his life, always doing some sort of bonding activity with him every weekend.

While Namjoon's father, though, was incarcerated behind bars for sexually assaulting mulitple white woman.

I say multiple since there was more than one woman involved, but only one got pregnant.

And if you were wondering what happened after that, you came to the right place.

The young woman, who's name was Savannah, originally didn't want to keep the child, not since she was already a single mother to a two year old.

But after her son was born, she decided to keep him against the wishes of her parents, who despised the fact that he was mixed race.

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