Nine In the Afternoon

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 One shots (BTS):

🎤 Into a place where thoughts can bloom.

Into a room where it's nine in the afternoon.

And we know that it could be.

And we know that it should.

And you know that you feel it too.

Cause it's nine in the afternoon, and your eyes are the size of the moon.

You could cause you can and you do.

We're feeling so good, just the way that we do when it's nine in the afternoon.

Your eyes are the size of the moon.

You could cause you can and you do.

We're feeling so good. 🎤

Seokjin and Namjoon were happily in love.

They've been dating since highschool, and came from entirely different backgrounds.

The older male was an alpha who was the only son of the pack leaders- also known as the group of wolves who lead the pack that occupied the small town.

He was also the heir to the pack, meaning that he needed to find his Luna- also known as the omega who would lead the pack alongside him.

While the younger male, on the other hand, was the only omega out of a family of three children.

He had two older brothers- Jaehyung and Felix- who were both alphas, making him the only omega in a family of alphas.

His parents were also alphas, meaning that they had him through surrogacy- which was how they had all their children.

That didn't matter to them, though- since they loved all their sons equally, giving them equal amounts of attention growing up.

And they continued to support all their sons growing up, even when the unexpected happened.

Like, for example, their youngest son becoming pregnant only one year after marrying his husband, Seokjin, and becoming the Luna of the pack.

That came to a shock to everybody- both their family's and the entire pack- since they couldn't believe how fast everything was moving.

I mean, the couple just got married, and they were already getting an heir to the pack.

A lot of people couldn't believe it.

Nine months later, though, their oldest son, Yoongi, was born- a healthy alpha with black hair and light brown eyes.

He was a quiet child, who never fussed, and always seemed to sleep, even in the middle of the day.

He never gave his parents any issues, and was showered in affection, due to the fact that both Seokjin and Namjoon loved being parents.

In fact, only two years later, their second oldest son, Hoseok was born- he was also an alpha, this time with chestnut brown hair and light brown eyes.

He was a lot more fussy than his older brother, and loved attention, along with being in the spotlight.

He loved dancing, and his parents enrolled him into classes from a young age, wanting him to do something that he was passionate about.

And his love for dancing just got even stronger when his younger brothers, Jimin and Taehyung, were born only three years later.

They were fraternal twins- one having black hair and light brown eyes, while the other one had chestnut brown hair and brown eyes.

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