Silent Night

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Author's Note: This was inspired by a Christmas movie that I watched with my Aunt a couple of months back. I ended up liking the plot so much that I wrote this afterwards. Enjoy :)

One shots (Namjoon):

🎤 Silent night, holy night.

All is calm, all is bright.

'Round yon Virgin Mother and Child.

Holy infant so tender and mild.

Sleep in Heavenly peace.

Sleep in Heavenly peace.

Silent night, holy night.

Shepherds quake at the sight.

Glorious streams from Heaven afar.

Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia.

Christ the Savior is born.

Christ the Savior is born. 🎤

Namjoon Min has always been a special child.

He was born on December 25, 2010 in the small town of Westport, Ireland, to his parents, Yoongi and Chloe Min.

He was born inside a stable, after his parents were caught inside a blizzard on the way to the hospital, forcing them to camp out inside someone's barn.

He was born a day later- becoming a bundle of joy to his parents, who saw him as the light at the end of the tunnel.

His parents were financially struggling, due to the fact that his father worked at the nearby factory, creating snow globes for a living.

His mother, on the other hand, was a former elementary school teacher, who quit her job to become a stay at home mother to their precious son.

They absolutely adored the newborn- always showering him in love from an early age, wanting him to know that they were there for him.

Meaning that he grew up a happy child, surrounded by people who loved and supported him.

He excelled in school, and was on his local soccer team, due to the fact that he loved the sport.

He had many friends, who were always there for him, endlessly supporting him.

He was an extroverted toddler, who made friends easily, always sticking up for them.

But he was also special in a way.

His parents liked to joke that he was their "Christmas Miracle," due to the fact that there was something unique about him.

They couldn't explain it, but it was like he had a special ability.

For example, he was always able to calm someone down with a simple smile.

It didn't matter if they were in the middle of an argument, or stressed about something work related- he was always able to calm them down instantly.

And, for the most part, he didn't even know that he was doing this, even though his parents kept telling him that he did.

"You're special, Namjoon," they would keep telling him, mainly his mother, due to the fact that she spent more time with him.

"You're our little Christmas miracle."

I mean, he would use his ability on friends and family- sometimes even teachers- without even realizing it.

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