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Author's Note: I made a AO3 account over the weekend. You can follow me over there if you'd like, the username is writingfunstories, and I already have three published works. In regards of a Covid update, I'm feeling a lot better, and am going to start updating again. Thank you for your patience :)

One shots (Seokjin):

🎤 I got no time to lose.

I had a long day.

I miss you.

Ra-ta-ta-ta echos my heart (Ra-ta-ta-ta).

I got nothing to lose.

I like you, oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah.

Ra-ta-ta-ta echos my heart (Ra-ta-ta-ta).

But I don't want to.

Stay in the middle.

Like you a little, don't want no riddle.

Say, say it back, oh, say it ditto.

Can't wait 'til the morning, so say it, ditto.

I don't want to walk in this maze.

Not that I know everything, but just as I want it, say it, say it back.

Oh, say it ditto.

I want you so, want you, so say it ditto. 🎤

Seokjin and Noella Kim have known each other since their childhoods.

They met at the park near their neighborhoods, the older boy sitting at the swings, swinging his legs back and forth, watching the other children play at the park with their parents.

He didn't have that- raised by a single mother, who was always working, never having time to hang out with him, causing him to play at the park by himself.

It was quite sad really.

His short pity party was interrupted when a seven year old girl, a year younger than him, appeared by the swing set, holding a teddy bear between her hands.

"Can I sit with you?" She asked shyly, her face flushing red, while her bangs fell over her eyes, hiding the dark brown orbs that reminded him of his own.

Her black hair was pulled back into two pigtails, and she was wearing a pink polka dotted dress, making her stand out from the other children, who were dressed for the playground.

Like himself, for example.

He just nodded, watching as she climbed onto the rubber seat, placing her teddy bear onto her lap, almost like she was protecting him from the sand below.

"What's his name?" He couldn't help but ask, starting a conversation between them, one that would lead to a lifelong friendship that would eventually switch into something more.

They've been friends since that day, telling each other everything, while helping each other through the hardships that were life.

She was there for him when his mother got remarried, listening as he complained about his stepfather, and how much he hated him, wishing that his mother never met him.

He was there for her when her younger brother was born, aware that she was jealous that her parents spent more time with him than they did with her.

They were the best of friends, and their relationship just got better once they reached highschool, turning into something more.

They fell in love with each other, hinting to each other that they wanted to take their relationship to the next level, too scared to confess to each other, remaining in the friendzone.

That was until junior year, when both teenagers finally confessed their feelings for each other on the rooftop of their school, beginning their lifelong journey as romantic partners.

They graduated highschool together, and went to the same college, graduating with a business degree, and a degree in art marketing, moving into an apartment together.

And their relationship just improved as the months passed- the two of them getting engaged that December, celebrating the holidays as fiancé's, excited to spend the rest of their lives together.

They ended up taking their time planning the wedding, in no rush to get married, wanting to enjoy a long engagement, knowing how expensive planning a wedding could be.

Meaning that three years would pass by before their wedding day arrived, the both of them spending the night apart, so that their wedding day would be meaningful.

And that was one of the happiest days of their lives.


The weather was warm and sunny, perfect for a spring wedding in the countryside, near their small town.

It was a small ceremony, consisting of their close friends and family members, including their parents, who wouldn't miss watching their children get married, knowing that the couple was happy together.

The venue was covered in pink roses, which matched the color of the dresses that the bridesmaids were wearing, the bride in question picking them out herself.

She's always loved the color pink, and knew that the color was perfect for her wedding, and she was grateful that her fiancé agreed with her choices, showcasing his understanding and kind personality.

She walked down the aisle arm in arm with her father, who kissed her cheek, before handing her to her husband to be, who took her hand in his, his dark brown eyes making contact with her matching ones.

"Do you, Seokjin Kim," the priest stated, his tone of voice calm, while his eyes remained focused on the bible that was sitting open in front of him.

"Take Noella Anderson as your wife? To love and cherish, until death do you part."

"I do," the young man answered, a smile on his face, while his eyes remained focused on the lobe of his life, who was smiling just as wisely.

"Do you, Noella Anderson, take Seokjin KIm as your husband? To love and cherish, until death do you part."

"I do," she repeated, her eyes watching as the older man slipped the ring onto her finger, before she did the same thing to his hand.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the priest announced, causing the crowd to break into cheers, their eyes watching as the newly wedded couple ran down the aisle hand in hand.

They went to the city of London for their honeymoon, enjoying their time together, while sightseeing, finding out a couple weeks later that they were expecting a child.

A healthy baby boy, who joined their family nine months later, looking identical to his parents, who couldn't wait to give him the world, cherishing him.

Everything was perfect, and they couldn't have been happier. 

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