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Trigger Warning: Mentions of cross dressing, and abuse. If any of this bothers you, please skip ahead to the next part. Thank You.  

One shots (Namjoon):

🎤 I'm so pretty, whatever I wear. I'm so sexy, even if I don't show skin.

My risky high heels, black stockings.

You won't be able to take your eyes off me, don't stop me.

When I wear a miniskirt and walk on the street, everyone looks at me.

I'm wearing a miniskirt.

But why are you the only one who doesn't know? 🎤

Namjoon Kim loved to cross dress.

He didn't do it often, but he did have a box in his closet that was filled with all his favorite dresses, skirts and miniskirts that he loved to wear whenever he wanted to feel pretty.

He's been cross dressing since high school, thankful that his parents were supportive of his strange hobby.

You know, which was strange in the way that he was a young male in his late twenties, who loved to wear girly clothing, including stockings and chokers.

But, in his parents eyes, he was only trying to express himself, by doing the things he loved, which wasn't harming anyone.

The problem with cross dressing, though, was that his husband, Seokjin, who was older than him by two years, didn't know that the younger male loved to cross dress, out of fear that he wouldn't take the news well.

The older male wasn't abusive, per say, he was just strict, with massive anger issues, if something didn't go his way.

Besides that, though, the young couple were madly in love with each other.

They've been dating since high school, before going to different colleges, dating long distance; eventually moving in together after graduating from their colleges.

A couple years later they got engaged, before getting married a year later; their relationship being practically the same, like it was all the way back in high school.

Except for the fact that something in their relationship changed.

The older male started becoming more controlling in their relationship, giving his younger husband a curfew, limiting the amount of time that he spent outside the apartment.

Namjoon just thought that his husband was stressed with work, as he hated his job as an accountant at an insurance agency, believing that his behavior had nothing to do with him.

And he tried to ask the older male what was wrong, or if he could help in any way, but it all ended the same way.

With Seokjin taking his anger out on him; hitting him, abusing him, etc.

The younger male even had the bruises that showed that his husband was abusing him; the bruises that he was forced to cover up with makeup whenever the couple went outside, acting like a loving couple.

It wasn't the ideal life that he signed up for, that's for sure.

He shook his head, continuing to sit on the edge of his bed, not letting those thoughts get to him.

There was an open box sitting by his feet, and he was pulling out all his dresses and skirts, looking through his things, feeling the nostalgia that every piece of clothing brought him.

Some of those clothes he had since high school, while others were newly bought, using a credit card that his husband didn't know that he had.

As every credit card that the couple used were connected to the older males bank account, meaning that he could see every purchase that was made.

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